I decided to create a livejournal account because it makes it easier to keep track of fandom related stuff, so I'll probably use this journal mostly for fangirl rants. Rather then bothering my RL friends or just keeping it inside my head, it might even be good for me to get it of my chest... =D
You don't need to introduce yourself before adding me. But if you really want to introduce yourself, here might be a good place? (Normally I won't lock my entries...)
Nickname: Vi, Vivi (I'm notvery fond of this one), Onigiri
Age: 19
Birthday: January 16th
Blood type: A+
Height: 153 cm (and I’m proud of if!)
Weight: let’s not go there...
Country: Belgium
Hobby: ballet, fangirling, learning Japanese
Eyesight: 0.9
Glasses: R: +0.5, L: +0.75 (I don’t really, really need glasses)
Current haircut: trying to grow it out, so a very awkward shoulder lenght atm Short curly bob, I used to have Fujigaya style curls
Favourite snack: I love all snacks ice cream chocolate I can’t choose!
Favourite Japanese food: gyoza / raisu kare (or better both!)
Relationship status: single
Occupation: Medicine student
Siblings: none (yaa~y, I love being an only child)
Afraid of: social situations (I think I have some kind of social phobia, but I’m fine over the internet ^^;), bugs, most animals actually
Favourite Japanese word: hentai
Favourite quote: *points up* Hadaka ni natte nani ga warui? ^^
Favourite Japanese expression: isshoukenmei
Favourite colour: purple and pink (yes, yes, linked to who I like in Kisumai)
Random facts:
1. I fangirl too many people
2. Last time I checked, I knew the full names of 82 Johnny’s ^^(and I’m proud of it)
3. I stumbled into the J.E. fandom thanks to Kamenashi in Yamato Nadeshiko
4. I get distracted easily
5. I’m a girly girl
6. I’m easily amused and easy to please
7. My sleeping posture is really bad
8. I have a lot of shoes
9. 90% of those are high heels :s
10. I suck at physical endurance related things, I can’t run a km without getting a ridiculously high hart rate.
11. Duet is my favourite Japanese magazine
12. I’ve never been to Japan
13. I love drawing, but I’m really, really bad at it
14. I mostly draw when I’m supposed to be studying
15. My close friends say I’m both an S and an M, I switch between the 2 according to the situation
16. I suck at writing. My thoughts are way faster than my pen/keybord and that frustrates me. Also fiction = impossible
17. I love York (no I didn’t forget the new)
18. I have one pair of Jimmy choo’s, I’ve had them scince I was 15 and I’ve worn them about 5 times :s
19. I’ve seriously been in love twice
20. I’ve been rejected indirectly but obviously twice
21. I do not have mysophobia
22. I don’t hate people even I sometimes say I do
23. I think snow prince (gasshoudan?) are the cutest thing ever!
24. My favorite Johnny’s group are Hey!Say!JUMP
25. I have a slight bias towards 7
26. I am extremely KY
27. I usually don’t cry in front of people
28. When at home I put my pony up with a rubber band like Kame did in Nobuta wo produce
29. I complain A LOT
30. I have raspberry wallpaper on the walls of my room
31. I have a signed Elliot Minor poster in my room
32. I can’t remember my best friend’s birthday
33. I can remember Yama-chan’s birthday
34. My friends tell me my facial expressions are hilarious
35. I used to be a big Vampire Knight and Bleach fan (then JE came along)
36. I’m bad at crossword puzzles
37. I like cooking
38. I’m not very good at cooking, my style is chaotic
39. I’ve been making my own dinner 4/7 evenings since I was 13
40. My favourite teddy is a rabbit called Konijntje Sam Langoor
41. I’m lazy
42. I love Japanese dorama
43. I like listening to people speaking Japanese
44. I have hair that’s suitable for a perm
45. I talk to myself when I’m alone
46. I sometimes sing in the shower
47. I eat more ice cream during winter then during summer
48. I get easily tipsy on champagne
49. I skipped a grade in kindergarten
50. I like Nishikido better in Kanjani8 than in News =3
To anyone who has read this whole thing, congratulations! ^^