Dear Padfoot,
I must admit, I'm entirely pleased with your reaction. I was really, really worried that you all thought I was... well, moreso not right in the head than usual. Or not right in other places. Or... I...well...yes, I've been missing your "brilliant Quidditch matches" due to a long-awaited love affair with smelly, dust-covered, old pieces of parchment. See why I didn't tell you? And no, while possibly wildly uncharacteristic of me, this "maiden cartographer's voyage" will be neither saucy nor boring. It probably will, however, be nerdy. Very, very nerdy. Thus, I hope you and James can handle. I'm not worried about Peter not liking something nerdy.
It's just... Oh, I've been...I've been living in a shadow for a bit too long, and maybe, just maybe the state of utter chaos in the Prefect's bath was finally sort of getting to me, and thus, had to lend myself to other places to hide. I don't really know how it happened, or how I came across it, or really, when the epiphany struck me entirely, it's just...oh, it did. It did! And before you say anything, before you look at this piece of parchment, which has absolutely very little to do with the Restricted Section, I'm sending along with this owl, please don't laugh (my god, it's only a rough! please know it's only a rough!). I've got the basic layout done, but I know, I know I know I KNOW I am not an artist, or even a calligrapher, which is something, as a cartographer, I am going to have to learn to get over - so I want you to show this to James too. James has decent scrollwork. But please, please, please, please don't tell Lily. I just... I know that will be hard for James not to, but, you understand, right? You understand all the time anyway. I shouldn't even have to ask that anymore.
Regarding other things, because I realize I've actually responded to very little actually written in your letter and have just been talking circles around myself. As far as Herbology is concerned, mate, this is why you should get your homework done early. Now, I'm spending my entire summer doing something I like. Granted, it's cartography and will have absolutely no bearing on my marks (oh no, I just realized I should get started studying for N.E.W.T.s). And absolutely nothing I am ever involved in will result in your demise, unless it were due to boredom. This, no, this will not be boring, Padfoot, this will be...extracurricular!
I suppose... owl me. Soon...ish. I think I'd probably enjoy some fireworks, unless, you were, you know, kidding about that. And, let me know what you think about the...erm...the map. Yes? Well all right I know it's not a map yet, but, this is why I need you. And trust me there will be so much more to it but I did this so quickly because...well because you responded. And I had to respond back. Before I forgot everything I wanted to say.
It's nice to hear I was missed. And...I missed you as well. Tell everyone I say hi. And...don't tell Lily. Just...don't. But talk to James. Yes definitely talk to James, and not Lily. I'll owl Peter later.