Here's a picture of Midnight. She's my babykins and I love her to death. She's a feisty kitty and even the vet called her abominable. Nup, she doesn't like humans much. In fact, I don't think she likes anything other than food, lizards and things that roll much. She looks sleepy and fat here. :D Not exactly one of her best shots but I just feel like posting a picture so yeah.
Went out to OU with Rini and Micha yesterday. I had a good time even though I didn't buy anything much and we didn't exactly have enough time. My shopping urges have still not been satisfied. I can't believe that I didn't buy any clothes again! Gah, it's almost like I'm jinxed or something. I never seem to be able to buy the things that I want to even when I have the money. :/ It's like I do really want to but I can't because I'm scared of overspending. But it's not like I even need to get anything. I think I need to constantly remind myself that I shopped enough already when I went to Hong Kong because if I don't then I'd feel like I simply need to buy something just 'cos I didn't buy anything the last time I went out. Such is the terrible person that I am.
But oh well, at least I got a gift for Huda. I still have two more gifts that I need to buy for the Gift Exchange! Need to hit some flea markets soon. There are so many great items that you can find at flea markets. And at affordable prices too. But nobody seems to want to bring me to any flea markets. Which is why I hate not being able to drive yet so much. I always want to go somewhere and nobody ever wants to bring me anywhere. I want to drive so much but the ironic thing is, I feel like I'm a little scared of driving. I'll be getting my driver's license next year but every time I envision myself driving it scares me a little. I think this slight fear I have of driving is probably fueled by the things that I've read and seen on TV. I think I'm being overly paranoid about this though. :/
The holidays aren't so bad after all. It almost seems like time is flying. I sit for tuition for 3 and a half hours almost everyday and it drives me nuts but I know that it's doing me good. I think that if I can somehow summon the willpower, I might even start studying and memorising Form 5 things in advance. Might as well make use of all the free time that I have.
I bought FFxii and I like it. :) Balthier is kinda cute.