I'm in the middle of a few different projects, and I have a hell of a lot to say on this. I'll get there. I unfortunately do not have the time I'd like to have right now, and others have put my words far more eloquently that I could. But just in case you HAVEN'T heard about this yet, I sense a royal shit storm coming. Probably one of the biggest ones we've ever seen if the perpetrators don't address it soon.
To sum it up, and so you guys can pass the word along as well:
Amazon.com is censoring books and authors with GLBT themes, under the pretense that they are of an 'adult' nature. Interestingly enough, explicit heterosexual material is not being censored. Here's
a list of known 'banned' books. What's happened is that GLBT books are having their 'sales rank' removed. If you do a basic search on 'homosexuality' over on Amazon, what pops up are titles such as "A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality," "You Don't Have to Be Gay," "Can Homosexuality Be Healed?" and other anti-GLBT literature.
Guys, this is huge. This is not something you can ignore.
What to do, initially:
Obviously, do not buy anything from Amazon until this is satisfactorily resolved.
Contact Amazon.Spread the word.
Likely more on this tomorrow. Fucking fail, Amazon.