Hope everyone had a safe and fantastic holiday season. Mine was bitter sweet.
The Friday before Christmas, Dec. 21st, my boss in the Legal Department passed away "mysteriously in his sleep" after going into the hospital for shoulder surgery. It was shocking to everyone and made for a very weird Christmas. Hell, it's still weird in there. Since he passed, his office door rattles randomly. Never did that before. It's strange to complete tasks he wanted me to do. It's very weird to be in the office all by myself, without him yelling from his office "ARICA!!".
Anywho, happier tidings...I had a pretty awesome Christmas. I was horribly spoiled this year. Rock Band, a Blender, new coat, jewelry, Year subscription of XBox Live (My Gamertag is ViciousPixel, btw), Final Fantasy XI for 360 (My brother doesn't know I'm not a MMORPG person...but I gave it a swing...good god, he bought me a freakin' chore. Took 4+ hours just to get the dang thing to play! Playing is an understatement, too...stupid game.), a cordless drill, and a Kitchen Aid Mixer. I got Jonathan the 80G PS3, so now we have a Blu-ray player that can also play games and emulate Linux. Because of this, I got Pirates 3, Ratatouille, and Lost Season 3 on Blu-ray. Lost in High Def sexy as hell, and the last half of the season finally gets as juicy as the first season was! This is the first time ever that Jonathan or I have had all "Next-gen" consoles. It's awesome. Jonathan gave me a rat cage for our future ratties (which I just got an email today from our breeder...they were born on January 2nd! Which is like..Jonathan and my's psuedo anniversary--it was six years this year, minus that pesky six months of dating other people and then another four years of pretending we weren't together...), and inside he strapped Ratatouille (because my brother totally spilled that I was getting him the PS3, on accident). Jonathan also hollowed out an electronics ordering book to hide Lost in. He was quite tricky this year. Rock band is not only awesome, but the songs are amazing. There is just so many great songs in there...nothing too repetitive like in Guitar Hero III. I also think they did the transition from "medium" to "hard" much more fluid. GH's jump between the difficulties seem impossible. Jonathan and I gave my mom my old PS2 and Guitar Hero II. It's cute to go home after work and find her in their living room rocking out/yelping when she makes mistakes (which is often). For Christmas Eve, my parents surprised me with this photo:
I always laugh when people take their dog to see Santa...but damn is that cute. I can't believe she sat there for it. My birthday is tomorrow. Twenty-Four. Bleck. Tonight I party with Rishelle and Megan (it's her birthday today)...Here's to getting blissfully plastered.