DAY THREE: Who's Your Ichiban?

Mar 05, 2012 21:28

OMG This is the hardest question ever!
My answer won't be obvious! OMG OMG OMG!
Except it is not, of course.
35% of my life is pretty much revolves around him.

Yes, I love chibi!Ryo probably only a li..........ttle bit less than I love his present form, and no. I am not a creepy pedo.

Stupid prince charming~! Asdfghjklkjhgfdsa

Let me be your worthless toothbrush! ;w;

Those pretty big doe hazelnut eyes! <3 he kinda looks like Toma in here~

He used to have those pretty kind of handsome face just like Yamachan but it's all different now lol

I swear it'll be a non-stop spam so let me just say, cheers for your never ending cuteness and ero-sexiness my beloved dokkun :beer:

So, in short, what makes Nishikido Ryo my ichiban?
How about........................everything? Because some things are not meant to be changed.
He's a shameless bitch and I'd like to appreciate it.

Auf wiedersehen!

nishikido ryo, 30 days news challenge, chibi ryo, news

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