JP Wedding Entrance Dance
Summary: The Office travels to Niagra Falls to celebrate Jim and Pam's wedding under strict orders not to mention Pam's pregnancy. Michael, Dwight and Andy all want to hook up with guests at the wedding, and Michael and Dwight meet twins.
That. Was. Adorable.
And hilarious. And poignant, and awkward, and everything else that THE OFFICE does well. After the last two ho-hum episodes, I was concerned that they'd bungle what would probably be their biggest episode to date. Fortunately, I was dead wrong...
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First things first, I had never seen this video, so I had no frame of reference for it -- therefore making the final scene even awesome to me. Plus, now that I have, it makes perfect sense why Plan B even existed (I was spoiled for the Maid Of the Mist scenes, but not the context).
So this was easily one of the funniest OFFICEs in a long time, with a lot of great series call backs (Kevin's odious feet, Meredith's groin injury, Jim's prankster brothers). My favorite was TRUE BLOODs Anna Camp's referencing of Kevin as "Gil", and her catching him rubbing Oscar's hair). Kevin, Andy, and Dwight all had banner nights, and when you think about it, it was only natural that Michael hooked up with whom he did. Perhaps Jim and Pam's memory is a bit hazy, they should have known how disruptive Michael can be during a wedding (it was a nice touch that it was Jim who screwed up during the toast, but Michael made it far worse, IMO).
But finally it comes down to the happy couple, and given that we've witnessed their romance from the beginning and rooted for them for the entirety of the series, this was a well-deserved and well-earned happy ending (shallow note: Jenna looked positively beautiful in that dress) for TV's best matched couple. The scene where Pam cries over her torn veil, and Jim cuts his tie (shades of the WEST WING's "Game On") was about as good as it gets, and proof that those two actors are criminally underlooked at the Emmys.
Well played OFFICE, well played. (Take a bow, Greg, Mindi, and Paul (Feig) ). Now let's see if the February birth episode can top this...
Other Notes:
• The final montage was exceptionally well edited.
• "The Revenge of Lard-Ass Hogan"-inspired cold open was disgusting. I was just about to eat when that scene started, and was so glad I didn't. *hurk*
• Dwight's sublimated love for Michael is rather creepy and endlessly amusing. I loved how he kicked the bridesmaid in the face, it reminded me of a wedding home video I saw where the bride was being carried on a group of people's shoulders, and ran headlong into a low hanging ceiling fan.) His effortless hook-up was yet another example (in a long line) of how cool Dwight can be when he doesn't try as hard or isn't focused on his barnyard knowledge)
• 9 3/4 of a horse! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
• It's probably a good idea it use empty soda cans when tying them to a car...
• Should it surprise you that Creed doesn't use condoms? Or was completely unfazed by the vomitorium?
• Kevin's "shoes" cracked me up every time I saw them.
• Yes, a person Meema's age would absolutely be horrified by BRUNO
• Erin and Andy are going to make a cute couple. Finally they gave Ed Helms some decent material.
• Guess David Wallace wasn't invited.... let's hope he wasn't too mad the branch was closed for two days....
• I forgot Stanley gave a toaster to Bob and Phyllis as well (someone on Alan Sepinwall's
blog thinks its the same one, and I agree).... liked how the turtles ate through the box.... wondering if Michael's alternative painting will show up at some future point in the background of the condo...
• Line of the week: "I know way too much about Andy's scrotum" (runner up: "...That awful Charlie Rose....")
Episode grade: A