
Apr 01, 2005 21:38

so...i'm having a really icky day today. I just got home from my dads house. i was there pretty much all spring break. now my social life is like blah. But tomarrow i'm gonna stay at reggies and hopefully i can see some other people. My mom screamed at me today at dinner cause she read my livejournal comments.....ohhhhh sheet son. she about ripped ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

icebabyy April 2 2005, 02:51:08 UTC
mr. gabrys is a fool. a stupid old man who goes tanning. who has a picture of his daughter hanging from his belt. yes. i have to do that stupid enrichment too. ugh. i'm mad that mondays a bday..cause i have him. ew. guh.

mrs edwards--don't get mad when you read this comment. sammi's a good kid. but...mr gabrys assignments aren't good..


horridromance29 April 4 2005, 19:40:26 UTC
heyyy sammi! thanks for the stony pic lol..haha rickys ass and back is in it lol..and like jeffs arm and the basses like shirt..wtf lol..hahahahaha!!!!!! woot


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