I like books. And I like old books even better. Sometimes if I'm very lucky, I come across an old book that is ALSO an interesting read AND is affordable, and then everything is perfect!
This is my latest acquisition which I'm very glad I found: a half-bound volume of two years' worth of the monthly Svenska Familj-Journalen (1877-1878). It's in good condition, but above all it's so good to read. According to itself, it contains "Swedish-historical and native Portrayals and Narratives from Nature and Life, Original Short Stories, Sketches and Poems, as well as articles on Science and Art, etc."
If you know me, then you know I love this sort of thing, especially in an historical context. Not only that; a good number of the articles deal with exotic foreign things (like a train ride west across the American continent. :-) And the woodcuts are beautiful!
Three guesses as to what the guy in the picture on the right is doing?