I Present to You....The Unicorn Hat

Nov 08, 2010 16:04

Hello, my freaky darlings!  <--If you can tell me what that's from, you win a muffin.  Anybody?

I hope you all are doing well, I know I am!  This is going to be a very upbeat, and somewhat hyper, entry.  Mainly because it's been a very good day!  "Pyrate, what has made you so deliriously happy?!" You ask?  Well, allow me to share.

The morning was ( Read more... )

unicorn hat, excitement!

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Comments 3

khaliltechtimes November 8 2010, 21:37:17 UTC
Th-That is...I can't...what is...

Hnngh socute. <3333


victorianpyrate November 8 2010, 21:52:01 UTC
XD Thank you! I lurrrrrves it.


tadesignsbynya November 9 2010, 05:17:42 UTC
Aha! So that's the hat she was talking about on her facebook, apparently Fish took a liking to it this morning. An Om nommy liking, poor Emilie.


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