1. I'm really rather bizarre.
2. I often come across as really confident and outgoing. And I sometimes am. Other times, it's utter, self-conscious hell inside my head. I try hard not to care what people think about me.
3. I like anything peach-flavored.
4. Costumes and makeup are my passions.
5. I would give anything for magic to be real.
6. I like video games and frilly dresses. Who says you can't be a girly girl gamer?
7. Books are hugely important to me. So many have touched me in ways I can't begin to explain.
8. I hate when people trivialize friendships forged via the medium of the internet.
9. I think the world's biggest enemy is ignorance, followed closely by apathy.
10. I'm the biggest nerd I know.
DAY 2: ten things you love
DAY 3: ten things you hate
DAY 4: ten things you want to say to one person
DAY 5: ten wishes
DAY 6: ten items you can't live without
DAY 7: ten important people
DAY 8: ten of your favorite songs
DAY 9: ten ways to win your heart
DAY 10: final 10 words