start saving babies instead of just making babies!!!!

Apr 11, 2006 08:32

There were some unexpected complications at the beginning of a good friend of mine's pregnancy which have thankfully taken a turn for the
better. The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. I have formed a family team on behalf of the soon-to-be-proud parents.

If you are interested in joining the walk, you can register and walk with me in Team Grassi. In order to register to be on my team for Walk America you have to go to the WalkAmerica home page ( Click on "register", then go to the bottom, click on "I am walking with a company, school, organization, family or other group", hit submit. At the top of the page, search Grassi. You'll find it come up and click on Team Grassi. Then add your personal information.

Please feel free to invite anyone you want, the more the merrier!

If you are unable to walk but would like to contribute, you can visit my webpage ( and sponsor me in the Walk that saves babies!

Thank You so much for your contribution!!!


PS. I love special deliveries!

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