A delicious kegger with my friends awaits tomorrow night, and we plan on doing this purity test, Dawson's Creek style (was that not the show where they all got together and did one?) together then. If you have any suggestions, now is the time! :)
Residence parties
0. Give yourself 5 points for every residence party you've been to. 10 points if you went to (and paid to get into) an Edwards party. 15 points for Palmer. Give yourself an extra point per party if you dressed up for the theme.
SCORE: ________
Have you ever...
1. Been cut off at a residence party?
2. Managed to get drinks anyway?
3. Snuck into a residence party without a ticket?
4. Forged tickets or otherwise worked it so that other people could get in without tickets?
5. Served at a residence party?
6. Served super stiff drinks to frosh (and friends)?
7. Stole extra liquor? (after serving, 2 points if you managed to do it and you weren't serving)
8. Had sex at a residence party (not your own)?
9. Give yourself a point for every dollar in library fines you've ever had.
Have you ever...
2. Eaten food in the no-food parts of the library?
3. Had a librarian yell at you for it?
4. Borrowed books on someone else's account?
5. Returned them late?
6. Abandoned your prime seat or computer for longer than an hour, with your stuff still on it?
7. Looked at not-safe-for-work material on a library computer?
8. Used the "authorized use only" elevator?
9. Drank at the library?
10. Come to the library drunk?
11. Had sex at the library?
12. Set off the alarm for trying to leave with un-signed-out books?
13. On purpose?
14. Put books in someone else's bag while they were gone, so that if they left and didn't notice them they'd set off the alarm?
15. Put embarrassing books in someone else's bag (or open on their desk) while they were gone?
16. Dropped something off one of the upper floor balconies?
17. Had a fine art installation in the library?
Have you ever...
18. Drank in the halls in residence?
19. Tried a century?
20. Completed a century?
21. Passed out?
22. Puked on yourself?
23. Gotten into the pub underage?
24. Give yourself half a point for every other Sackville bar you've successfully ordered a drink from underage.
25. Gotten banned from the pub?
26. Gotten a phone call at a bar (not to your cell phone, but the bar number)?
27. Worked at a Sackville bar?
28. Been at an after-hours pub party?
29. Used the back door to get into Ducky's?
30. Drank during a final exam?
31. Had your prof take your class out for drinks?
Have you ever...
32. Broken into a residence?
33. Been in the tunnels?
34. Broken into the AC?
35. Gone swimming at night?
36. Been in the swan pond?
37. Pulled a high-profile prank? (Boat in the swan pond, chair on the steeple, large clock from meal hall, tree from meal hall)
38. Pulled a low-profile prank? (stolen something important from another residence, stolen chairs/trays/mugs from meal hall, written something in chalk on residences/campus)
39. Streaked at homecoming?
40. Been at a team's initiation?
41. Been in an initiation?
42. Initiated anyone else?
43. Gone to a homecoming game? (one point for each year)
44. Gone with a drink in your hand?
45. Cheered on the Mounties, even though we were losing?
46. Been in the homecoming pub videos?
47. Shown your boobs or kissed someone for Mardi Gras beads?
48. Won a prize for most beads at Windsor Mardi Gras?
49. Been to the Sackville hospital?
50. For something drinking/sex related?
51. Drank or smoked up in the Quarry or waterfowl park?
52. Smoked up in a residence room?
53.Been fined by a monitor? (A point for each time)
54.Gone to university judicial?
55.Run away from Campus Security?
56. Ever take a course without buying all the required books?
Give yourself points equivalent to the marks you got (A+ = 4.3, A=4.0, etc)
57. Ever take a course and missed the majority of the classes?
Give yourself points as in 2.
58. Ever write an exam having read less than half of the required reading?
Give yourself points as in 2.
59. Ever pull an all-nighter?
Give yourself points for the number of consecutive waking hours (no naps) for the purpose of completing school things.
60. Have you ever drank in class?
61. Ever been drunk in class?
62. Ever had to leave class to puke?
63. Ever sleep through a mid-term or mandatory in-class essay?
64. Ever sleep through or accidentally miss a final?
Have you ever had sex…?
65.On the football field
66.In a team’s locker room
67.In the SAC office
68.In a third party’s house (not a house where either of you lived)
69.In a science lab
70.In a classroom
71.In Tweedie Hall
72.In McConnell (two points for East and West)
73.In the Athletic Centre
74.In Convocation hall
75.In a residence shower
76.In the Trueman sauna
77.On the Trueman pool table
78.On the Trueman lounge couches (ew)
79.In the Argosy office
80.In the CHMA office
81.In Hesler or anywhere else in the STUD
82.In the Pub
83.In the Windsor, Harper, or Campbell elevators (give yourself a point for each)
84.In any other public space of a residence (any residence’s lounge, janitor closests, study rooms, etc.)
Have you ever?
85. Taken someone’s virginity while at Mt. A?
86. Hooked up with a frosh while not a frosh? Give an extra point if you were in 3rd year, three for fourth year.
87. Hooked up with a townie while at Mt. A?
88. Hooked up with a visiting person? Two points if they were still in high school and on a recruitment tour for a team or just looking for universities.
89. Hooked up with someone you weren’t supposed to while in a position of “power” (frosh leader, monitor, house president/treasurer/secretary/social chair, SAC exec, etc.)
90. Got someone to hook up with you while they weren’t supposed to.
91. Ever use the SAC condom service?
92. Ever get the max amount of condoms for a year?
93. Had the fire alarm pulled while you were in someone’s room you shouldn’t have been?
Fun with roommates
94. Have you ever shared a room?
95. Have you gotten along so poorly that one of you had to switch?
96. Have you ever used something of your roommate’s without permission?
97. Ever have something bad happen to it (stain their shirt, break their printer, etc?)
98. Did you make up an excuse to cover up for it?
99. Ever hook up on your roommate’s bed?
100. Hook up in the room while they were sleeping?
101. Have sex while they were sleeping?
102. Ever look at porn on their computer?
103. Leave it for them to discover?
104. Ever been sexiled? (Give one point for every night)
105. Ever use being sexiled as an excuse to hook up with someone and sleep in their bed?
106. Did you have a secret signal with your roommate for when it was unsafe to enter the room?
General university disgustingness
107.Give yourself two points for every day you went without showering, bathing, or washing your hair.
108.Give yourself half a point for every day you went without doing laundry. (A month would be about 15 points)
109.Did you shower in residence without flip-flops?
110.Give yourself a point for every day you went without washing your dishes.
111.Give yourself a point for every rodent that ever came into your house (for example, 9 salem, 25 mice = 25 points)
112.And a point for every day it took you to get rid of them.
113.Ever gone to class in the same clothes that you wore the day before?
Procrastination tools
114.Ever play Snood?
115.Ever play that Japanese game where all you try to do is get the girl to hook up with you?
116.Do you have a facebook account?
118.Give yourself a point for every social network site of which you are a member (hi5, WAYN, classmates.com, etc.)
119.Ever play photohunt at a bar?
120.Ever get on the high school list?
Sackville knowledge
121.Without checking a cell phone, phone book, or other source, write down the number for Joey’s, Jack’s, Greco, and Sackville Cab for one point each.
122.Write down the number for the Pub, Ducky’s, Tantramar Taxi, and George’s for two points each.
123.Write down a prof’s home number for 5 points.
124.Write down Charlie Hunter’s old home number for a million points.
125. Ever been to Irving Big Stop in Aulac?
126.Give yourself an additional point if it was 3 am or later.
127.Two extra points if you passed out while waiting for your food.
128.and Three extra points if you cabbed it there and back.