Trade Log for colors_tcg

May 05, 2011 17:25


April 27 - Joined! Received Tattoo03, Tattoo03, Tattoo09, Cello03, Ducati16, Submissive14, Coroner20 and Dense19. Received Composer11 and Rain18 for confirming membership.
- Claimed Sayo01, Wish05, Classical01, Food13, BK-20106, MissDeep01, Author01, Heiress08 and SailorFuku20 from April Freebies Post!
- Traded MissDeep01, Author01, Heiress08, and Submissive14 for Foxhound06, Patriot03, Patriot04, Dragon11 and Clueless19 with Nem!!
- Claimed Tattoo11, Tattoo17, Sayo17 and Revolver01 from Recycled Art!
- Lost Cello03 to win Bronco01 and Kitten05 from Crazy Colors 29.
- Won Poland19, Zangetsu16, Photographs03 and Eroge12 from Beauty Pageant 24.
- Won Ciaossu20, Trumpet12 and Novelist08 from Graffiti Round 21.
- Traded Food13 for Tattoo04 with wolfie_
April 28 - Traded Dense19 for Foxhound16 with taminas
- Traded Wish05 for Tattoo07 with barnaby
- Traded Eroge12 for Revolver14 with arushiraoi
- Traded Tattoo03 for Dragon09 with sparkism
- Won Phones04 and Royalguard16 from Design Shirocchi and Kurocchi! voting
- Traded Royalguard16 for Clueless17 with barnaby
April 29 - Traded Trumpet12 for Patriot02 with enfacade
- Won Alien09, Wind19 and Gergo14 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 39.
- Won Kaiser12 and Twilight10 from Conan's Clues 42.
- Traded Poland19 for Dragon20 with animepam
April 30 - Traded Photographs03 for Clueless13 with sno
- Won Five04 and Christmas20 from Guess the Color 42
- Traded Five04 for Patriot18 with piraskel


May 4 - Won Nagi11 and Mute01 from Spare Parts 35
- Won Kodama08 from Pick a Color 21
- Traded Composer11 for Foxhound19 with roax
- Traded Twilight10 and Novelist08 for Eyepatches19 with dearmykeysx
May 5 - Won Intelligent15 and ManiKatti14 from Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 36
- Claimed Bolverk15, Beauty05, Impressions05, Magatama12, Carefree17, Reserved13, Innocent12, Shujaa17, Henshin04, and Eyepatches10 from Release 013!
- Traded Innocent12 for Mute14 and Tattoo06 with barnaby
- Traded SailorFuku20 for Eccentric16 with onmyou_ji
May 7 - Traded Shujaa17 for Revolver16 with roax
- Won Blindfold16, Kingkazma14 and Gakuen06 from Seiyuu Guess 39
- Won Heroine04 and Cherry14 from Host Club Giveaway 22
- Won Duck06, Switzerland17 and a Blue Crayon from trading in a sketchpad in the Art Shop.
- Traded Phones06 for Patriot17 with chuukoku
- Won Blastia19 and Vigilante19 from Art Lessons with Rukia 48
- Won Erhu05 and Balance13 from Guess the Color 43
- Traded Switzerland17 for Clueless07 with silvertigerx
May 8 - Traded Henshin04 for Eyepatches01 with wolfie_
- Traded Kitten05 and Kodama08 for Tattoo01 and Tattoo13 with dropsofviolet.
- Gained Classical12, Eyepatches16, Foxhound05, Foxhound18, and Burn03 from Recycled Art.
- Traded Heroine04 for BK-20105 with celestite.
May 10 - Traded Magatam12, Carefree17, and Reserved13 for Impressions01, Foxhound09 and Revolver08 with plusqueparfait
May 11 - Traded Ciaossu20 and Kingkazma14 for Clueless05 and Clueless20 with stopping
- Won Rain18 and Howling01 from Spare Parts 36.
- Won Spaz07, Oranges03, Messiah09 and Oceanwave18 from moon_wolfwriter
May 12 - Won 1stChild09 and NetIdol20; lost Erhu05 in Crazy Colors 31
- Traded Oranges03 for Nagi07 with arushiraoi
- Traded Bronco01 for Mute02 with staticphrase
- Traded OceanWave18 for Tattoo19 with chuukoku
May 14 - Gained Patriot15, Foxhound14, Revolver05, Revolver12, Revolver18 from Recycled Art
- Won NewYears04, Arrogant08 and Hahi16 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 41
- Traded Howling01 for Foxhound03 with disutansu
- Traded Messiah09 for Revolver06 with sno
- Won Ice20 and Russia02 from Guess the Color 44
- Won DarkBoots18 and Eyeshadow02 from Art Lessons with Rukia 49
- Traded Zangetsu16 for Revolver13 with bringthefate
May 15 - Won Gamble17, Hiwa19 and MadCancer18 from Neku's Music Station 45
- Won Cowbell18, Ribbon16, 2-315, Rival18 and Mars04 from Seiyuu Guess 40
- Leveled up!! and gained Phobia12, Hell12, Tattoo02 and a blue crayon.
May 16 - Traded NewYears04 for Bolverk01 and Snake18 with gantai
- Won Lithuania12 and Succubus16 from Poke Radar 41
May 17 - Traded Christmas20 for Tattoo15 with lazuliprince
- Traded Rival18 for Eyepatches03 with kupwark
- Traded Gamble17 and Intelligent15 for Patriot12 and Revolver19 with kelliedee
May 18 - Won Exchanger03, Mars17 and a purple crayon from trading in a sketchpad.
- Won AllSunday18, Cigarettes10 and Assassin03 from Pick a Color 22.
- Traded Spaz07 and a blue crayon for Mute04 and a brown crayon with osoroi
- Traded Allsunday18 and Manikatti14 for Blastia12 and Dragon05 with piraskel
May 19 - Won Superior14, Logic05, Rhythmic11, and Blessed11 after trading in a blue crayon from Color's Coloring Book 12
- Won Author17 and Turkey08 from Crazy Colors 32
- Won Fragile13, Pure15 and Exsphere04 from Reading Between the Lines 25
- Traded Pure15 for Tattoo10 with sno
- Traded Succubus16 and Fragile13 for Dragon15 and Blastia07 with plusqueparfait
- Traded Blessed11 for Tattoo16 with ratiosu
- Traded Gakuen06 for Eyepatches06 with moon_wolfwriter
May 21 - Traded Rhythmic11 for Dragon03 with nonchatte
- Won Exceed10, Cute19 and Twilight15 from Ryoga's Directions 22
- Won Misandry19 and Heian17 from Host Club Giveaway 23
- Won Cyborg05, Healer13 and PaopuFruit05 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 42
- Won Guild03, Drill05 and Iyashikei02 from Crosswords 24
- Claimed Revolver11/17/20 and Dragon03/19 from Recycled Art (next at May 25)
- Won NetIdol05, Whisker07, HarpNote02, Rush13 and Dynames15 from Art Lessons with Rukia 50
- Won Animajor02 from Go Fish!! 50
- Won Japan16, Algorithm05 and Oracle19 from Guess the Color 45
- Traded Twilight15 for Recessive13 with dearmykeysx
- Traded Balance13, Hahi16, Snake18 and Superior14 for Recessive09, Foxhound02, Cyborg14, and Vigilante06 with celestite
- Traded Lithuania12, Turkey08, Japan16 for Sayo04, Burn19 and Blastia18 with silvertigerx
- Traded PaopuFruit05, Russia02 and Algorithm05 for Foxhound11, Clueless14 and Burn04 with stopping (sketchpad trade ->)
May 23 - Traded Drill05 for Vino01 with arushiraoi
- Traded Whisker07 for Blastia17 with wolfie
- Won Windom15, Morning11 and an orange crayon from trading in a sketchpad.
- Traded Animajor02, Nagi07, Beauty05, Heian17 and Iyashikei02 for Revolver02, Revolver09, Recessive02, Foxhound15, and Clueless01 with lucathia_rykatu
May 24 - Traded Mars04 and Oracle19 for Patriot10 and Gretel17 with chikky2k5
- Traded NetIdol05 for Vigilante12 with megchan87
- Won Parents03 from Spare Parts 38
- Won Sorry14 and Tristan01 from Conan's Clues 45
- Traded 1stChild09, Mars17, Rush13, and Parents03 for Blastia01, Blastia20, Revolver04, and Foxhound04 with staticphrase
May 26 - Traded Arrogant08 for Sayo02 with chikky2k5
- Won Gamble02, Wolf11 and Fog13 from Scrapbook 16
- Won Archaeology17, Rabi04, Rock05, Mars11 and Karaya02 from Graffiti Round 23.
May 27 - Traded DarkBoots18 for Mute18 with yamachan01
- Traded Duck06 for Blastia08 with caitirin
May 28 - Traded Eyeshadow02 for Patriot07 with kupwark
- Won Taisa05, Poland07, and AkaTsubaki15 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 43
- Claimed Blastia03/05/06/11/13 from Recycled Art (next June 2)
- Gifted Tattoo08 and Tattoo14 by barnaby
May 29 - Traded Logic05 for Blastia14 with animepam
- Won Pistol08 and Drill13 from Crazy Colors 33 (lost Rain18)
- Traded Akatsubaki15 for Revolver03 with ratiosu (20 stamps ->)
- Won Loleus01 and Fishing05 from Guess the Color 46
- Traded Cute19 and Guild03 for Cyborg03 and Cyborg13 with sasurauchiha
May 31 - Traded Pistol08 for Eyepatches15 with 00zags
- Won SkyJack16 and Earthshaker14 (lost MadCancer18) from Crazy Colors 33
- Won Superior18, Collected20 and a blue crayon from trading in a sketchpad
- Traded Mars11 for Revolver15 with vriska
- Traded NetIdol20 for Eyepatches14 with bosom


June 1 - Traded Exchanger03 for Mute19 with silvertigerx
- Traded Skyjack16 for Vigilante16 with lucathia_rykatu
- Won a gray crayon from Color's Coloring Book 12
- Traded Exceed10 for Eccentric19 with araiyuudai
- Won Zwei12, Cybernetic06, Visualizer04, Lazy18 and Windom11 from Pot of Gold 09
- Won Mobile08 and Natsuo06 from Crazy Colors 34 (lost Taisa05)
- Won Marry05 and Anniversary01 from Anniversary Day 1
- Traded Marry05 for Eyepatches11 with kupwark
June 2 - Won Scientist15 and Tails15 from Color's Coloring Book 13 (lost Kaiser12)
- Won Dense03, Bluemoon06 and Hungrywolf08 from Reading Between the Lines 26.
- Won Peace10 and Suit01 from Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 40
- Traded Fog13 for Dragon07 with xianaasuka
June 4 - Won Chimera09, Tuxedo05, Kitten11 and Anniversary02 from Anniversary Day 2.
- Claimed Cyborg17 and Burn01/02/05/08 from Recycled Art (next on June 9)
- Won Seiyuu01, Angel09, Snake03, Dattebayo06 and Impressions15 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 44
- Won February13, Idol17 and Eleven10 from Crosswords 25
- Won Tatto05 and Anniversary03 from Anniversary Day 3
- Gifted Author17 to plusqueparfait
- Traded a blue crayon for an orange crayon with shinshi
- Traded in two orange crayons for Tattoo18/20
- Traded Cigarettes10, Healer13 and my signature for Hell16, Nagi10 and Disutansu's signature.
- Won Sincerity16, Irritated10, Tattoo12 and a red crayon from leveling up to Yellow
- Won Plugin16 from Go Fish!! 52
- Won Blame08 and Phobia16 from Guess the Color 47
- Traded Mobile08, Phobia12, Superior18 for Cyborg02 and Recessive04/16 with hushlust
- Traded Drill13 for Cyborg09 with gantai
- Traded Lazy18 for Vigilante02 with bringthefate
- Traded Gamble02 for Hell20 with phibby
- Won Castle16, Austria05, Revolver07 and a gray crayon from mastering Tattoo
June 5 - Won Icequeen01, Hiwa12 and a brown crayon from trading in a sketchpad
- Traded Snake03 and Seiyuu10 for Revolver10 and Mute07 with celestite
- Won Skyjack17 and Anniversary05 from Anniversary Day 5
- Won Stars20, Aristocrat19, Blastia02 and purple crayon from mastering Revolver.
June 6 - Won Tails09, Marry20, and Loveme16 from Seiyuu Guess 42
- Won Earth13 and Koori13 Host Club Giveaway 24
- Traded Ribbon16 for Dragon02 with ouji_tan
- Claimed Cold13, Seductive02, Hungry03, Seychelles05, Onigiri08, Precise02, Points05, D-Hero10, Cats 'n Dogs14,Cats 'n Dogs14, and Actor11 from Release 014
- Traded Loleuos01 for Eyepatches02 with mirajane
- Traded Eyepatches02 for Mute03 with mirajane
- Traded Cybernetic06 for Eyepatches02 with arushiraoi
- Traded Precise02 for Deny18 with swoobat
- Traded D-Hero10 for Gretel06 with konimi
- Traded Onigiri08 and a brown crayon for Foxhound17 and Mute12 with megchan87
- Traded Seductive02 for Sayo19 with bringthefate
- Traded Cold13 and Points05 for Sayo06 and Classical20 with barnaby
June 7 - Won Strikers04, Runner14 and Anniversary06 from Anniversary Day 06
- Won Taser04, Schwarzer10 and Inside08 from Seiyuu Guess 43
- Traded Windom15 for Foxhound13 with kikai7
- Traded Skyjack17 for Perception06 with mirajane
- Traded CatsnDogs14 for Eyepatches04 with kupwark
- Traded Austria05 for Impressions20 with swoobat
- Traded 2-315 for Blastia15 with unpure
June 8 - Won Eins03 and Responsible11 from Conan's Clues 47
- Won Marriage18, Devour09, Immortal19 and Anniversary07 from Anniversary Day 07 (lost Earth13 and Scientist15)
- Traded Poland07 for Brave16 with moon_wolfwriter
June 9 - Traded Exphere04, Chimera09 and Idol17 for Burn10, Mute16 and Bolverk11 with orechibisama (01 to new sketchpad)
- Won Ribbon18, Cybernetic09 and Anniversary08 from Anniversary Day 08
- Won Platinum03, Stars12 and Silhouettes02 from Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 41
- Won Trailblazer17, Ogredemon11, Algorithm08 and Innocent03 from Beauty Pageant 27
- Traded Kitten11 for Bolverk08 with ooamenohime (02)
- Won Composer18, Familiar07 and a blue crayon from trading in a sketchpad
- Traded Marry20 and Platinum03 for Deny12 and Recessive20 with kikinioth (04)
June 10 - Traded Dattebayo06 for Patriot16 with newspaper (05)
June 11 - Traded Irritated10 for Perception05 with lucathia_rykatu (06)
- Traded Blame08 for BK-201 03 with bosom (07)
- Won Fujoshi14 and Anniversary10 from Anniversary Day 10
- Traded Wind19 for Leap19 with tsuruhime (08)
- Won Smile15, Babylon03 and Anniversary11 from Anniversary Day 11
- Traded Immortal19 for Hell04 with chuukoku (09)
- Claimed Burn16/20 and Perception01/12/19 from Recyled Art (next day: June 16)
- Won Classical11 and Anniversary09 from Anniversary Day 9 (lost Windom11)
- Won Ribika08 and Seventeen05 from Art Lessons 53
- Traded Taser04 for Brave14 with dearmykeysx (10)
- Won Intuition19 from Go Fish!! 53
- Won Cry13 and Octava20 from Guess the Color 48
- Traded Composer18 for February04 with tategamiwolf (11)
- Traded CatsnDogs14 and Octava20 for Burn13 and Impressions04 with vriska (13)
- Traded Dragon03 and Dragon19 for Seychelles06 and Brave02 with antagonists (15)
June 12 - Won Otomen16 and Marchhare20 from Color's Coloring Book 13 (lost Dynames15)
June 13 - Traded Tails09 for Hell02 with chikky2k5 (16)
- Traded Loveme06 and Phobia16 for Mute15 and Cyborg20 (18)
June 14 - Traded Seventeen05 for Dragon04 with wolfie (19)
- Won Forbidden02, Mop10, and Anniversary13 from Anniversary Day 13
- Won Blueeyes08, Apple10, Trance18 and Anniversary12 from Anniversary Day 12 (lost Cherry14)
- Won Eyepatches07 and Anniversary14 from Anniversary Day 14
June 15 - Won Cybernetic02, Marry11 and Fortune09 from Neku's Music Station 49.
- Won Phobia15, Symmetry13, Debonair18 and Anniversary15 from Anniversary Day 15
- Won Petulant18 and Scientist07 from Host Club Giveaway 25
- Traded Archaeology17 and Castle16 for Vino02 and Vino19 with taminas (20) (+01 to new sketchpad)
- Traded Aristocrat19, Schwarzer10 and Petulant18 for Classical09, Patriot20 and Bolverk05 with ratiosu (04)
June 16 - Traded Natsuo06 for Nagi02 with nazonano (05)
- Traded Dragon05 for Impressions02 with antagonists (06)
- Traded Debonair18 for Brave10 with wolfie (07)
- Won Funeral06, Whiterabbit11 and Kazoku18 from Reading Between the Lines 27
- Won Matriarch08, Tonfar03, and Stern11 from Color's Coloring Book 14 (lost Trailblazer17)
- Traded Matriarch08 and Kazoku18 for Vino20 and Sayo14 with 00zags (09)
- Won Cinderella16, Lure12 and a green crayon from trading in a sketchpad
- Traded Cinderella16 for Suit04 with nonchatte (10)
June 17 - Won Vermouth04, Yakuza17, Dance15 and Katana10 from Color's Coloring Book 14 (lost a purple crayon)
- Traded Devour09 for Impressions16 with swoobat (11)
- Won Airglyph15, Keyboard14 and Bored06 from Scrapbook 18
- Traded Runner14 for Seychelles20 with experienced (12)
June 19 - Traded Katana10 for Hell03 with hushlust (13)
- Won Loyal19 and Hyakkiyakou03 from Guess the Color 49
- Won Moe09 and Animajor16 from Art Lessons with Rukia 54
- Won Leap19 and Funeral07 from Ryoga's Directions 24
- Won Alien01, Pipe09, Blastia04, and a red crayon from levelling up to green
- Won Anniversary16 from Anniversary Day 16
- Won Council08, Mysterious07, and Anniversary17 from Anniversary Day 17
June 20 - Traded Stern11 and Rabi04 for Sayo16 and Seychelles04 with staticphrase (15)
- Traded Hiwa12 and Fortune09 for Uu08 and Uu15 with ouji_tan (17)
- Traded Visualizer04 for Recessive12 with tategamiwolf (18)
- Traded Stars12 for Perception09 with disutansu (19)
- Gifted Burn11 from plusqueparfait
June 21 - Won Blastia09 and Anniversary19 from Anniversary Day 19
- Traded Keyboard14 for Uu13 with gumi (20)
- Won Foxhound12 and Nagi01/03/05/06 from Recycled Art
- Won Highjump16, Recruit05, and Anniversary20 from Anniversary Day 20
- Won Pureblood09, Zwei01 and a green crayon from trading in a sketchpad
- Traded in two red crayons for Blastia10 and Blastia16
- Traded Council08 and Loyal19 for Hell10 and Vino17 with celestite (02)
- Won Flirt06 and Anniversary18 from Anniversary Day 18
- Won Flirt17, Hitsuzen07, Blaster03 and Five06 from Pick a Color 24
- Won Gankutsuou08 and Gergo08 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 46
- Won Hungrywolf02, Prodigy17, Sayo03 and a purple crayon from mastering Blastia
- Won Anniversary04, 3rchild01, Colonel06, Traps08, Silvana19, Mentor19, Ogredemon19, and Whiteclown13 from Anniversary Day 21
June 22 - Won Mid-childa18, Debonair13, Zearth12 and Chimera14 from Neku's Music Station 50
- Traded Prodigy17, Dance15, and Koori13 for Beauty07, Brave19 and Perception03 with moon_wolfwriter (05)
- Traded Silvana19 for Dragon01 with darkraven616 (06)
- Traded in a blue crayon for Cold17
June 23 - Won Collected12, Pantheress03, and Apprentice02 from Seiyuu Guess 45
- Won Chainsaw16 and Sadistic08 from Color's Coloring Book 14 (lost Airglyph15)
- Won Traveler09 and Sincerity09 from Pokeradar 46
- Won Persocom12, Hairclips18, B-rabbit04 and Dollie17 from Graffiti Round 25
- Traded signatures with nonchatte (07)
- Traded Blaster03 and B-Rabbit04 for Letter06 and Hotheaded04 with nonchatte (09)
- Traded Algorithm08 and Earthshaker14 for Gretel04 and Recessive14 with stopping (11)
- Won Ae8608, Angel01, Answer12, Carefree01, Cat03, Ciaossu08, Deliver20, Guard02, Hyakkiyakou04, Kitten18, Kshatriya05, Lumberjack12, Negi02, Nonary06, Nyanperona20, Popular18, Sorry04, Spain20, Stars08, Tails17, Truth15, Violent02, and a green crayon from mastering Anniversary
- Won Germany07, Gramarye03, Sympathy04 and Butler06 from Izaya's Information Exchange 20 (lost Intuition19 and Nagi03)
- Won 0 08, Sand12, Namekian11, Devotion14 and Eldest02 from Beauty Pageant 28
June 24 - Traded Stars08 for Uu19 with kupwark (12)
- Won Recessive03 from Switch It Up 28 (lost Hungrywolf02)
June 29 - Claimed Hell18, Brave03/18/20, and Perception20 from Recycled Art
- Won Lionheart07 and Rich09 from Art Lesson with Rukia 55
- Won Forks19, Mop05, Sayo05 and a brown crayon from leveling up to blue
- Traded Sand12 for Foxhound01 with 00zags (13)
- Traded Apprentice02 for Patriot11 with animepam (14)
June 30 - Won Leap16 from Switch it Up 28 (lost Leap19)
- Won Dogs03 and Nagi09 from Shadow Watching With Shikamaru 44
- Won Sohcahtoa18 and Knight01 from Host Club Giveaway 26
- Won Gatekeeper10, Otoko08 and Keyblade01 from Seiyuu Guess 46
- Won Rush20, Bandages11, and Scout03 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 47
- Won Tonkotsu08, Otoko20, and Kyuudou10 from Reading Between the Lines 28
- Won Poland08 and Tease20 from Conan's Clues 49


July 03 - Traded Morning11 for Beauty05 with celestite (15)
- Traded Sincerity09 and Spain20 for Cluess11 and Deny20 with moon_wolfwriter (17)
- Traded Butler06 and Symmetry13 for Brave08 and Perception14 with bringthefate (19)
- Traded Whiteclown13 for Cyborg04 with tsubon (20, filled sketchpaed)
- Traded Keyblade01 for Seychelles03 with bazookas (01)
- Traded Animajor16 for Leap07 with tsuruhime (02)
July 04 - Won Circus06, Whirlwind10 and a brown crayon from trading in a sketchpad at the Art Shop
- Won Skeleton16 and Masamune07 from Art Lesson with Rukia 46
- Claimed Brave17, Dragon05/19, Hell18, and Nagi07 from Recycled Art
- Traded Collected12 for Cyborg11 with wolfie (03)
- Won Celestial14 and Doctor04 from Color's Coloring Book 15 (lost Flirt17)
July 05 - Won Shard09, Venus02, and Harmonica01 from Neku's Music Station 52
- Traded Colonel06, Hyakkiyakou03 and Yakuza17 for Beauty02 and Uu07/14 with stopping (06)
- Won Worry13, Firefist12, Hamha04, Grafeisen15, Familiar16, Porn16, Order08, Abuse16, Green11, Reflection16, and a blue crayon from Pot of Gold 10
- Won Heybo01, Cocteau18, and Devour10 from Pick a Color 25
- Traded Ciaossu08, Cybernetic02, Cybernetic09, Flirt06, Innocent03, Mentor19, Otoko20, Tristan01 and Whiterabbit11 for Burn06, Brave05/06/11/15, Deny01/04/16, and Psychic04 with ratiosu (15)
- Traded Sincerity16 and Doctor04 for Gankutsuou01 and Leap01 with nugeyo (17)
July 06 - Traded Venus02 for Deny05 with phibby (16)
- Won Glomp17 and Obstinate12 from Color's Coloring Book 15 (lost Coroner20)
- Traded Devour10 for Eyepatches08 with hushlust (17)
- Won Hikari11 and Goggles10 from Crazy Colors 39 (lost Reflection16)
- Traded Kitten18 and Answer12 for Vigilante03 and Foxhound10 with arushiraoi (19)
- Traded Rush20 for Hell17 with fidio (20) (new sketchpad)
July 08 - Gifted Letter07 and Gankutsuou09 from bosom
- Won Ciaossu02, Zura05, and Wayward06 from Beauty Pageant 29
- Won Mechapilots09 and Charm05 from Guess the Color 51
- Traded Lure12 and Violent02 for Gretel12 and Psychic02 with mirajane (02)
- Won Cocteau06, Math11 and a gray crayon from trading in a sketchpad at artshop
- Won Cherry07, Coffee07, Starfish18, Masamune05 and Raccoon20 from Graffiti Round 26
- Won Wolfbeil17 and Supportive07 from Pokeradar 47
July 09 - Traded Coffee07 and Goggles10 for Hell11 and Psychic15 with lurora (04)
- Won Hell08 from Switch it Up 29 (lost Hell18)
- Traded Moe09 and Masamune05 for Brave04 and Nagi14 with wolfie_ (06)
- Claimed Brave09 and Nagi08/12/13/18 from Recycled Art
- Traded Bluemoon06 and Whirlwind10 for Sayo09 and Sohcahtoa03 with nazonano (08)
- Traded Marry11 and Responsible18 for Clueless02 and Foxhound20 with kikinioth (10)
- Traded Heybo01 for Vigilante01 with tategamiwolf (11)
- Traded Dollie17 and Circus06 for BK201 14 and Sayo08 with firemelon (13)
- Traded Glomp17 for Sayo07 with kupwark (14)
- Traded Wolfbeil17 for Background14 with sesshy_is_sexii (15)
- Traded Cowbell18 for Umbrella07 with alvanista (16)
- Won Ignition12 and Catcher12 from Mira and Isaac's Costume Party 48
July 10 - Won Swimming13, Hanafuda15, Mononoke15, Raccoon04 and Womanizer10 from Crosswords 26
- Won Parfait16 and Barrier13 from Pokeradar 46
- Won Oracle16 and Reiki20 from Art Lesson with Rukia 57
- Claimed Umbrella01, Ramble10, Exorcise03, Break04, Peterpan09, Legal05, Folklore06, Clock04, Tanabata05, and R-Traps03 from Release 015
- Traded Legal05 for Umbrella06 with swoobat (17)
- Traded Supportive07 for Sohcahtoa02 with nonchatte (18)
- Traded Hitsuzen07 for Crowanima15 with spiffytuna (19)
- Traded Nyanperona20 for Umbrella13 with bazookas (20) (new sketchpad)
- Traded Folklore06 for Umbrella08 with celestite (01)
- Traded Knight01 for Umbrella16 with bringthefate (02)
- Traded Poland08 for Umbrella17 with lurora (03)
- Traded Peterpan09 for Umbrella05 with hushlust (04)
- Traded Tanabata05 for Umbrella12 with piraskel (05)
- Traded Clock04 for Umbrella09 with arushiraoi (06)
- Traded Nonary06 for Umbrella14 with takasu (07)
- Traded Break04 for Umbrella04 with antagonists (08)
- Traded Tonfar03 for Foxhound08 with tsuruhime (09)
- Traded Ducati16 and Mechapilots09 for Vigilante18 and Hell06 with perarduaadast (11)
July 11 - Traded Babylon03 for Perception18 with yamanaika (12)
July 13 - Won Madness16, Wayward15, Blueeyes20, Guilt09, Hungary18 and Record13 from Neku's Music Station 53
- Won Bills09, Steak06, and a brown crayon from trading in a sketchpad.
- Traded in two gray and one green crayon for Umbrella19, Umbrella20 and Foxhound07
- Traded Forks19 for Vigilante11 with mongoosehwrs (13)
- Traded Popular18 for Deny08 with sparkism (14)
- Traded Cold17 for Umbrella10 with barnaby (15)
- Traded Silhouettes02, Crowanima15, Harmonica01, and Pantheress03 for Clueless04, Deny17, Hell07, and Hell14 with lucathia_rykatu (19)
- Traded Exorcise03 for Umbrella03 with nonchatte (20)
- Traded Hikari11, Hyakki Yakou04 and Ribika08 for Gankutsuou03, Ignition10 and Tease05 with nugeyo (03)
- Traded Starfish18 for Hell13 with ooamenohima (04)
- Traded Otoko08 and Math11 for Perception10 and Umbrella15 with dearmykeysx (06)
- Traded Chainsaw16 for Umbrella18 with blue_fox_girl (07)
July 14 - Won 18 16 and Revolver11 from Shadow Watching With Shikamaru 46
- Won Mushroom08 and Corn06 from Host Club Giveaway 27
- Won Shirogamon18 and Quincy08 from Color's Coloring Book 16 (lost Tails17)
- Won Virgo17, Buusagi05, and Silhouettes13 from Reading Between the Lines 29
- Won Trance12, Odyssey07, Sayo10 and a purple crayon from leveling up to purple
- Traded a green crayon for Umbrella11 with doublenyanbow
July 17 - Traded 18 16, Trance12, and Wayward06 for Clueless12, Eccentric10, Gankutsuou10 with makoto666 (10)
- Won Fold15 and Hell19 from Conan's Clues 51
- Traded Madness16, Catcher12, Celestial14, and Pipe09 for Beauty01, Impressions08, and Perception08/15 with orechibisama (14)
- Won Kora16, Cuarta03, Sayo11 and a green crayon from mastering Foxhound
- Traded Pureblood09 and Virgo17 for Gretel09 and Seychelles16 with bringthefate (16)
- Traded Guilt09 for Recessive06 with experienced (17)
- Traded Fujoshi14 for Uu11 with antagonists (18)
- Claimed Butterfly01, Letter11, and Nagi03/16/19 from Recycled Art
- Traded Zearth12 for Bolverk07 with unasuvas (19)
- Traded Bills09 for Butterfly16 with takasu (20)
- Won Perceive05 and Lettuce09 from Guess the Color 52
- Won Obstaine10, Badluck08, and a purple crayon from trading in a sketchpad at the artshop
- Won Pluto17, Devil13, and Symmetry20 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 49
- Won Ditz10, Finland02, Partner10, and Shaolin12 from Pick a Color 29
- Traded Symmetry20 for Letter02 with bringthefate (01)
July 20 - Won Stiches19, Ragnarok11, and Osaka08 from Scrapbook 19
- Traded Barrier13 for Uu18 with tategamiwolf (02)
- Traded Shaolin12 for Mute05 with unasuvas (03)
- Traded Pluto17 for Nagi04 with kikinioth (04)
- Traded Collected20 and Hanafuda15 for Butterfly11 and Butterfly17 (06)
- Traded Shard09 and Wayward15 for Hell09 and Leap02 with nugeyo (08)
- Won Exsphere05 from Go Fish! 58
- Won Psychiatrist14, Halberd01, and Desserts16 from Neku's Music Station 54
- Traded Osaka08 for Recessive07 with nonchatte (09)
- Traded Suit04 and a brown crayon for Nagi17 and a purple crayon with gumi (10)
July 22 - Traded Tuxedo05 for Dragon17 with umi_mizuno (11)
- Traded Charm05 for Vino09 with dearmykeysx (12)
- Traded Devil13, Familiar16, and Swimming13 for Dragon06, Dragon12 and Dragon14 with ratiosu (15)
- Won Breaker10, Guardian18, Ragnarok14, and Dressup14 from Color's Coloring Book 16 (lost a purple crayon)
- Won Butterfly19 from Switch it Up 29 (lost Fishing05)
July 24 - Won R-Traps04 and Recessive15 from Pokeradar 50
- Won Novelist05, Combat07, Mako02, Seventeen19, and Moon11 from Crosswords 27
- Claimed Bolverk09, Psychic01, Psychic06, Psychic17 and Psychic18 from Recycled Art
- Won Quadra07 and Curse19 from Color's Coloring Book 16 (lost Ciaossu02)
- Won Beli11, Ruin15, and Silly05 from Seiyuu Guess 49
- Won Beast09, Mushi12 and an orange crayon from trading in a sketchpad at Art Shop
- Traded in two purple crayons for Nagi15 and Nagi20
- Won Memories09, Skeleton01, Menma16, Wisewolf07, Slave19 and a grey crayon from Beauty Pageant 30
- Won Break10 from Switch It Up 30 (lost Parfait16)
- Traded Odyseey07, Blueeyes08, Blueeyes20, Ditz10, Suit01, and Green11 for Kill14, Butterfly15, Gankutsuou06, Suit07, Suit15, and Mute06 with ouji_tan (20) (01 to new sketchpad)
- Traded Finland02 for Gretel19 with moon_wolfwriter (02)
- Traded Chimera14 for Patriot13 with nerrin (03)
- Traded Highjump16 for Ignition05 with wolfie_ (04)
July 29 - Won Dressup12, Fairy19 and a yellow crayon from trading in a sketchpad at artshop
- Won Shirogamon06, Tengu02, Sayo12, and a brown crayon from mastering Nagi
- Won Deer02 and Sin06 from Art Lesson with Rukia 59
- Won Nindou05 and Royalguard13 from Host Club Giveaway 28
- Traded Hamha04 for Sohcahtoa16 with tales_fan (05)
- Traded Deliver20 for Butterfly12 with nerrin (06)
- Won Cancer11 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 50
- Traded 008, Alien09, and Eldest02 for Letter01, Butterfly11 and Psychic18 with spinningstyle (09)
- Traded Ogredemon19 for Cyborg07 with arushiraoi (10)
- Won Cola06 and Wind-up19 from Guess the Color 53
- Won Math01, Yakuza16, and Trinisette05 from Reading Between the Lines 30
- Won Nosebleed20 and Cooking13 from Spare Parts 46
- Traded Stitches19 for Break03 with unasuvas (11)
July 31 - Traded Beast09, Combat07, Nindou05 and Perceive05 for Kill13, Leap06, Psychic09 and Uu17 with nugeyo (15)
- Traded Shirogamon06, Shirogamon18, and Sin06 for Butterfly07, Letter10, and Recessive01 with lucathia_rykatu (18)
- Traded Cancer11, Funeral06 and Funeral07 for Beauty03, Hotheaded03, and Tease17 with swoobat (20) (01 to new sketchpad)


August 02 - Claimed Butterfly04, Butterfly06, Psychic11, Psychic14 and Psychic16 from Recycled Art
- Won Finland18, Kidnapped14 and a green crayon from trading in a sketchpad at the Artshop
- Won 66 09 from Guess the Color 54
- WonWon Flame12, Tenshi20, and Mulberry20 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 51
- Won 1stchild13 and Crossdress19 from PokeRadar 51
- Won Sensible15 and Minami09 from Conan's Clues 53
- Traded Moon11 for Cyborg18 with phibby (02)
August 03 - Won Yebisu02, Janken12, Sayo13 and a brown crayon from levelling up to Brown
- Traded Truth15 for Bolverk02 with yuidirnt (03)
- Traded Cola06 and Firefist12 for Letter14 and Patriot08 with orechibisama (05)
- Traded in a gray crayon for Umbrella02
August 04 - Won Responsible01, Hoihoi13, Backlace19, Wind-up13, Coroner15 and Aquarium18 from Lottery 11 (lost Ae8608, Alien01, Cry13, Hungrywolf08, and Vermouth04)
- Traded Wind-up13 and Wind-up19 for Beauty08 and Classical08 with chuukoku (07)
August 05 - Won Un-Sorcerer08, Third12, Sayo12 and an orange crayon from mastering Umbrella
- Traded Blame08 for Cyborg12 with umi_mizuno (08)
- Traded Cherry07 for Burn17 with yamanaika (09)
- Won Curepeach16 and Neshitteru07 from Conan's Clues 54
- Won Shark12, Clock15, Forbidden05 and Sister02 from Seiyuu Guess 50
- Traded Gramarye03 for XIV12 with spiffytuna (10)
- Won Dance09, Neshitteru17, and Yebisu04 from Neku's Music Station 55
- Traded Aquarium18 and Mid-Chila18 for Mysterious11 and Butler13 with nonchatte (12)
- Won Dogtags06 and Blastia14 from Guess the Color round 55
- Claimed Bleep01, Ouroboros01, Blizzard15, Tuna04, Pikohan02, GodKnows05, Pliskin01, FaintAttack09 and Bikinis06 from Release 016
- Traded Pikohan02 and GodKnows05 for Ouroboros02 and Bleep05 with galearc (14)
- Traded Tuna04 for Bleep02 with arushiraoi (15)
August 06 - Won Apple17, Jealous07, Pharaoh09, and Twentyone13 from Beauty Pageant 31
- Traded Clock15 for Butterfly02 with arushiraoi (16)
- Traded R-Traps03 for Bleep06 with multitasks (17)
- Claimed Kamatari01 from Release 016
- Traded Kamatari01 for Bleep03 with wolfie_ (18)
- Traded Cuarta03 for Pliskin02 with ulquiorrasch (19)
- Traded Butler13 for Eyepatches18 with kirkland (20) (+0 to new sketchpad)
- Traded Tease20 and that Halberd01 for Beauty13 and Classical15 with yamanaika (02)
- Traded in two brown crayons for Sayo19 and Sayo20
August 07 - Traded Partner10 for Patriot09 with futachimaru (03)
- Won Blunt12, Fairy08, Funeral02, Swimming17, and Third14 from Crosswords 28
- Won Gakuran14, Jewel17 and a gray crayon from trading in a sketchpad at Art Shop
- Won Bangle19, Hachiko11, Patriot01 and an orange crayon from mastering Sayo
- Won Kind05 and Hime17 from Poke Radar 52
- Gifted Bleep07 from swoobat
- Traded Porn19 for Beauty18 with blue_fox_girl (04)
- Traded Bangle19 for February16 with nugeyo (05)
August 08 - Won Sommelier04 and Skyjack18 from Art Lesson with Rukia 61
- Won Hungary03 from Switch It Up 31 (lost Shark12)
- Won Mulberry09, Badluck18, and Cheerful10 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 52
- Traded Dogtags06 for Eyepatches09 with stopping (06)
- Traded Lionheart07 for Butterfly05 with love_michiyuki (07)
- Claimed Beauty09, Burn07, Butterfly10, Joajna01, and Martillo20 from Recycled Art
- Traded
for Bleep04 with tsuruhime (08)
August 09 - Traded Joajna01 for Impressions13 with kirkland (09)
August 11 - Won Outdated20, Lithuania03, Rock07 and a brown crayon from art donation
- Won Acewitches06, Aristocrat12, Caduceus05, Cybermedic12, Gramarye07, Negi10, Ninja11, Observe18, Osuwari16, Otomen04, Pal11, Safety06, Smart-mouth20, Spot19 and a brown crayon from graphic donations.
- Won Leo20 and Bigpuppy18 from Host Club Giveaway 29
August 12 - Won Whaleshark10 and Archaeology01 from Conan's Clues 54
- Traded Neshitteru07 and Neshitteru17 for Mute11 and Bleep08 with ouji_tan (11)
- Traded Zura05 and Spot19 for Beauty14 and Bolverk20 with arushiraoi (13)
August 16 - Won Whiteclown03 and Yamato15 from Spare Parts 48
- Won Ikazuchi16 and Psychotic13
- Claimed Bolverk04, Letter12, Martillo12, Martillo14, and Strategy04 from Recycled Art
- Traded Lumberjack12 and Quincy08 for Beauty04 and Psychic01 with vriska (15)
- Traded a green crayon for Bleep09 with araiyuudai
- Won Visualizer14 and Iyashikei15 from Art Lesson with Rukia 62
- Won Origami07, Fiancee05, and Revenge03 from Neku's Music Station 56
- Won 0 18, Aniue15, Ice01, Love18, Ribika18, Secret11, Smile10, Strength08, Submit01, Warrior20 and a blue crayon from Pot of Gold 11
- Won Hatter03, Illness04, and Billiards07 from Pick a Color 27
- Won Zauber03, Tauburn17 and Tanabata20 from Reading Between the Lines 31
- Traded Jewel17 for Bolverk10 with nazonano (16)
- Traded Zauber03 for Actor18 with hushlust (17)
August 19 - Won Bills11 and After05 from Guess the Color 56
- Traded Pliskin05 and Princess03 from Guess the Color 57
- Won Yebisu14 and Hairclips11 from Conan's Clues 55
- Traded Strategy04 for Dragon08 with umi_mizuno (18)
- Won Immigrant03, Sweden06 and Patriot06 from leveling up to gray
- Won Hotheaded07, Squats16 and Aquarium12 from Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 51
- Won Firefist07 from Seiyuu Guess 52
- Traded Love18, Five06, Obstinate10, and Obstinate12 for Clueless08, Hachiko04, Ouroboros04, and Psychic20 with 00zags (20) (+02 to new sketchpad)
- Traded Trinisette05 and Kora16 for Letter08 and Classical19 with porvoras (04)
- Traded Aquarium12 for Beauty11 with nonchatte (05)
- Traded Fairy19 and Leo20 for Patriot15 and Clueless06 with hushlust (07)
- Traded Safety06 for Perception17 with wolfie_ (08)
- Traded Backlace19 for Seychelles13 with dropsofviolet (09)
August 26
- Won Snacks15 and Cheerful11 from Shadow Watching With Shikamaru 52
- Claimed Seychelles11, Suit03, Suit04, Suit09 and Suit11 from Recycled Art
- Won Bolt20, Flamboyant03, Gatekeeper03, Neshitteru01, and Nyan15 from Crosswords 29
- Won Yakuza09 and Pistol17 from Spare Parts 49
- Won Answer01, Pariah16 and Falena18 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 54
- Won Shujaa15, Knave14, Fox01 and Caduceus05 from Beauty Pageant 32
- Traded Lettuce09 and Strength08 for Break05 and Kill01 with nugeyo (11)
- Traded Fox01 for Butterfly20 with megchan87 (12)
- Traded Smart-mouth20 for Letter20 with moon_wolfwriter (13)
- Traded two green crayons for two yellow crayons with nugeyo
- Won Feathers03 and Boxer04 from Conan's Clues 56
- Won Caution06, Chevalier06 and a purple crayon from Art Shop
- Traded Knave14, Corn06 and MarchHare20 for Hell15, Classical18 and Seychelles10 with lazuliprince (16)
- Traded three orange crayons for three gray crayons with phibby
August 27
- Traded Observe18 and Yakuza16 for Martillo16 and Cocteau19 with stopping (18)
- Traded Silhouettes13 for Single09 with tswhite (19)


September 1
- Won D-Hero09, Morning16 and Regal06 from Pokeradar 55
- Won Naive20 and France02 from Art Lesson with Rukia 64
- Claimed Suit14, Suit16, Suit17, Suit18 and Suit20 from Recycled Art
- Won Skypirate20 from Pick a Color 29
- Won Blackbird18 and Pms07 from Spare Parts 50
- Won Tuxedo07, Professor11 and Traveler01 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 55
- Traded in three yellow crayons for Patriot05, Patriot14 and Patriot19
- Traded Math01 for Leap03 with mongoosehwrs (20)
September 8
- Won Blueeyes07 and Clowndrop07 from Conan's Clues 57
- Won Germany03, Frog12 and an orange crayon from art shop
- Won Cureberry02, Halberd01, Blackrose11, Bloodshot16, and Focused15 from Crosswords 30
- Won Serena20 and Wired18 from Asobot Initiative Mascot Vote
- Won Pisces15 and Izanagi14 from Guess the Color 59
- Won Runner11, Tomboy03, Classical02 and an orange crayon from mastering Patriot
- Traded Fold15 and Seventeen19 for Ignition01 and Eccentric15 with wolfie (02)
- Traded signatures with chuukoku (03)
- Traded Tomboy03 for Seychelles15 with megchan87>
- <b>Claimed</b> Rat18, Wildflower18, Unchanging09, Rockbison01, Beautiful20, Wildchild15, Mu14, Banana17, and Furniture01 from Release 017
- <b>Traded</b> Rat18 and Wildflower18 for Vigilante08 and Vigilante17 with <lj user=
- Traded Armored01 for Vigilante10 with zweilous (05)
- Traded Mu14 for Butterfly18 with hushlust (06)
- Traded Unchanging09 for a blue crayon with unasuvas (07)
September 17
- Traded D-Her09 and Lithuania03 for Vion15 and Recessive08 with moon_wolfwriter (09)
- Traded Beautiful20 and Wildchild15 for Seychelles02 and Butterfly03 with moon_wolfwriter (11)
- Won Stars15, Misinterpret16, and Redeyes19 from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 57
- Traded in five blue crayons and five gray crayons for Eyepatches05/12/13/17/20
- Won Switzerland20, Memories17, Mysterious11 and Pendulum20 from Pick a Color 30
- Won Kunst14 and Clow12 from Pokeradar57 from Pokeradar 57
- Won Sailorfuku07, Mobile03 and 2-A04 from Seiyuu Guess 56
- Traded Traps08 for Snacks18 with love_michiyuki (12)
- Traded Steak06 for Deny07 with darkraven616 (13)
- Won Tiny11 and Thinking11 from Spare Parts 52 (14)
- Won Objection08 and Dango14 from Host Club Giveaway 31
- Traded Caution06 for Miracles08 with experienced (15)
- Won Gakuran01 and Ciaossu13 from Guess the Color 60
- Traded Pal11 for Clueless15 with phibby (16)
- Won Pacifist02 and Wind-up20 from Release 017
- Traded Blunt12 for Gankutsuou15 with futachimaru (17)
September 24
- Won Jindujun04, Bandages14, Karaya15 and Butler01 from Colors League Game 2
- Won Steiner06, Model07, Buusagi06 from Colors League Game 5
- Won Sia02, Noble01, Hoihoi04, Sagitarrius14, Bored15, Seaeagle01, Rock09, Sirix01, Quack14, Bikinis03, a blue crayon and a gray crayon from Colors League results (sign-up)
- Won Withdrawn11, Bloodshot20, Nyan11 from Colors League Game 1
- Traded Illness04 for Gretel18 with chikky2k5 (18)
- Gifted Hiwa19 and Slave19 to tales_fan
- Traded 1stchild13 for Heal16 with ulquiorrasch
- Gifted Banana17 to chuukoku
- Won Enjoy11, Blackfox18 and Coroner09 from Conan's Clues 59
- Gifted Noble01 to futachimaru
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