They're already here, and they're writing for news magazines. Today I read another of those scare articles (are we raising etc.) somewhere or other. It doesn't actually matter where -- more will come along if you wait a bit. If you're in a hurry, you can find previous years' (decades', centuries') editions with no trouble
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Comments 3
Yeah, there are many an outmoded skill, but there are some that are timeless. How to read a map (a street map at least). Give directions to a location. Swim. Basic first aid. Laundry. Simple cooking. Simple sewing. Use a book's index, etc.
Not everything is digital, and not everything that is digital is correct.
Some skills are enduring -- but I think three of the ones you've named are on life support.
Certainly not everything is digital, but more and more stuff is. And there are certainly modern skills that aren't digital. Consider cooking with an induction cooktop versus a coal-fired stove. Or skateboarding. Or using those cool wheely shoes kids can get today.
And anyway, if you're twelve and in an unfamiliar house, do you risk breaking something or spewing ice all over the place? Maybe it's less socially risky to drink a room-temperature beverage, or to ask for help. And who would consider the risk that their host would write an AP story about their guest's ineptitude?
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