September 2010 Vidder Profile

Sep 25, 2010 07:09

This month's video profile spotlights sockkpuppett, aka Luminosity.

Click here to download the profile as a 78mb wmv

Password: metaphor

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Luminosity has been vidding for 10 years, and a video profile of this type could never even scratch the surface of her catalog of vids, which is vast and impressive, spanning a wide range of fandoms and artistic journeys that are not represented in the profile. Still, I hope this gives you some idea of the impact she has made as a vidder in that time - which includes a reference to one of her vids in official Library of Congress documents - as well as her constantly evolving approach to vidding as artistic expression and transformative work. The profile includes excerpts from the following vids (in order of appearance):

"Scooby Road" (Buffy), Vividcon 2005
"Ecstatic Drum Trip" (Farscape) Vividcon 2005
"Subterranean Homesick Blues" (X-Files) Collaboration with Tzikeh - Vividcon 2006
"Night of the Hunter" April 2009
"Vogue" (300) Vividcon 2007
"The Fifth Circle" (Supernatural) April 2008
"Women's Work" (Supernatural) Collaboration with Sisabet - Vividcon 2007
"Caged Bird" (Last Year at Marienbad) Vividcon 2010

You can see her vids at her LJ as well as at her site.

I hope you enjoy this month's profile. Feel free to share your thoughts here about the topics discussed in the vid, or about the vidder profile series as a whole.

[director] bradcpu, vidder profile, [vidder] sockkpuppett

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