Vidding on a laptop

Jan 21, 2012 11:52

Hi fellow vidders ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

littleheaven70 January 21 2012, 03:44:18 UTC
Hmm, I've vidded on an Intel plain quad-core PC using just 3GB of ram and it was fine with Vegas. I would think anything with 4 cores and that much RAM would work okay, but whether it's faster than an i5, I don't know.

My current vidding laptop is an Acer Aspire with an Intel Core i3 330M (2.13GHz) and 4GB of RAM with an ATI Mobility Radeon graphics card. I'm running Vegas Movie Studio Platinum HD 11 and it works just fine and renders at good speed. It was also very economically priced. I am sure Vegas would run admirably on anything with an i5 processor and 4gb or more of RAM.

One thing to watch for - my laptop came with 64-bit Windows 7 and my version of Vegas was only 32-bit compatible so I had to upgrade it.


starrylizard January 21 2012, 03:55:18 UTC
Thanks very much. That's very reassuring to hear. My current PC was fairly top of the line when I bought it a little over a year ago and before that I was in the stone-age, so I don't really know much about the versions that fall in between.

I'm leaning towards just buying the Toshiba laptop I saw and be done with it. It seems like a great deal; I'm just always very wary and hadn't heard of AMD before.



littleheaven70 January 21 2012, 07:00:48 UTC
No problem. From what I've read AMD is not as good as Intel, but a quad-core processor with 8GB of ram I am sure would be totally powerful enough and then some. Good luck with your purchase!


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