Title: Goodnight, YunJae
Length: Drabble (Un-betaed)
Rating: G
Disclaimer : sadly i only own the plot
Summary: Yunho's busy with his shooting and JaeJoong's alone in their apartment waiting for him~
A/N: this is the first time i make a drabble in english. but since english it not my main language so it's a bit hard for me =(
It is 2:49 in the morning and the figure on the bed was still busy turning his body. 2 pieces of pillow already kicked to the floor and blanket was hung on the edge of the bed. )
Comments 8
And it's not a major fail, your English is really good! I could never write a story in another language (which doesn't really go with my plan to be a translator... xD)
very good. ^_^
thank you for the comment!
Awwwwwwwww so sweeeeet T_T ..
This is really good .. I can totally understand u here XD
I felt the same way with my first fic .. And after all the encouragement I got , am trying to write something long .. And I wrote 10 pages so far =D .. I am even surprised XD
You should write more
thank you for the comment ^^
why didn't u tell me that u post a drabble @LJ?xD
this is so sweet! your english is not bad at all :). share more! hwaitting!
hehe thank you for the comment ^^
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