My ex is... a pothead
Maybe I should... calm down.
I love... my family
I don't understand... People
I lost my... nicknack my mom got me for Christmas.
People say I'm... nice.
Love can... Hurt.
Somewhere, someone is... crying.
I will always... miss my grammy and grampy.
Forever is... a very long time.
When I wake up in the morning... I hit the snooze button.
Life is full of...stress.
My past is... done.
I get annoyed when...people ask me stupid questions.
Parties are for... fun.
My cat is... taking a nap.
Kisses are the worst when... there are no feelings.
Tommorrow I'm going to... work.
Five years from now I will... be 34
I really want...happiness
I have low tolerance for people who... are fake.
If I had a million dollars... I would pay off all my bills.
Valentine's Day was... uneventful.