Title: 50 Moments Seemed Like Eternity
Genre: Too many to count, mostly fluff though. XD
Words (including theme names): 1,810
Rating: PG-ish
Theme set: Epsilon
#01 - Motion
Matsumoto was a fast paced, buxom fury in the battlefield; Hitsugaya often wondered what happened to that Matsumoto when
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Comments 14
Right okay I'm never commenting anything at this time ever again. XD But yeah, kickass!
*le gasp* I love your avvie! :D:D:D:D Hitsugaya is the cutest taicho evaa~
Hot tears of anger falling down her cheeks, Matsumoto threw her last bottle of sake at an old picture of her Gin, blaming him for making her waste a good bottle of sake.
#29 - Safe
The quiet of her apartment always made it difficult for her to sleep, especially when sober, but the soft, scratching sound of Hitsugaya’s pen, and the slight rustle of paper, always conked her right out.
(Those two are genius, plain genius).
#49 - Hunger
Watching Matsumoto lick the food that Rukia called a ‘popsicle’, Hitsugaya felt a familiar, incredibly hot feeling pool in the pit of his stomach.
(This was a particularly nice way of portraying the Hitsugaya-hits-puberty-and-notices-Matsumoto-for-the-first-time aspect of their relationship)
Oh my gosh, your icon is teh kewt. :D
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