My dear you already are listed as a friend!*hugs* This is just for anyone new that wasn't a friend already. Are you having a problem seeing my posts? I posted some caps after this message. You should be able to see them. They were of Viggo pouring coffee and a few other closeup shots of him in the diner. If you are having trouble seeing them let me know.
Ah, this post was done in the morning so maybe you were tired? Aug 13 was a Sunday. Sweetie you have it listed as a Thursday. Oops? Glad I am a friend. I would hate to miss your wonderful posts.
*ROFL* No I was wide awake when I did this. For once I did NOT make a mistake.*LOL* Did you my dear happen to notice the "year" on the entry??? It is dated for 2009, which it will be a Thursday that year. I had to do that so it will keep it as my first entry in my LJ but yet allow me to make my new posts. If you notice most everyone who has a friends only LJ have entries that are future dated. Thanks for "looking" out for me!!*hugs*
Well, I guess I was the one half asleep. *ROFL* I saw Thursday and the 13th and did not look at the year. I just assumed this year. My BAD. *smacks self with wet noodle*
Ahhh...honey you are on my friends list. Can you see the the most recent of my caps that I posted today??? My page should show up on your friends page. I friended everyone that told me they had a LJ from JV. Your page shows up on my friend pages.
Silly, that is Viggo that wants to be licked not me. Never thought anyone would interpret it that way....OH MY!!!!!!
I was trying to look at your Halloween pix this morning but I was "locked out". Now I can see them. Very nice, BTW.
About the "L*** Me!" thingy. I didn't look that closely at the . . . um "subject" . . . but, now that I HAVE, I'm sooooooo glad that's NOT you! Don't think I'd want to do it to him, either, tho. Not that fond of "hairballs". **gag** **choke**
Hello, am not sure if you're accepted any new friends or not. But what the hell, am huge VM fan and I've seen you around mostly the same LJ I hang out. And your icon kills me every time. I mostly post pictures of VM on my site.
Comments 16
*smacks self with wet noodle*
Silly, that is Viggo that wants to be licked not me. Never thought anyone would interpret it that way....OH MY!!!!!!
About the "L*** Me!" thingy. I didn't look that closely at the . . . um "subject" . . . but, now that I HAVE, I'm sooooooo glad that's NOT you! Don't think I'd want to do it to him, either, tho. Not that fond of "hairballs". **gag** **choke**
No comment about the "hairballs".*blush*
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