009 || Dream Four: Murder

Sep 12, 2011 14:42

Effects: Emptiness...but then gradually scalding heat, bit of pleasure and insanity should start to slip in. Maybe you'll even start laughing.
Warnings: Nadaaa~

[The dream begins slowly, revealing nothing more than the view of a white room and bland decor before suddenly everything fades to black which gradually then blends into shades of orange, green, and red.

The scene of a forest, filled with tall pine trees, soon comes into focus, and after a moment you realize that you've taken this dreamer's perspective. You're intent isn't clear, but you know in your mind that you have to do something important.

You walk into a clearing and before you is a large mansion and in front of the iron gate are two people: a boy in red and another man standing before him, dressed in a black cloak.

You wait patiently...fingers twitching in anticipation...before it happens. Your hands feel warm and burning hot before you attack, sending a strange looking, spiked weapon hurling towards the man in black.

The attack connects, leaving the man injured on the ground, sets ablaze and weakened considerably.]


I came to stop you from talking too much...by eliminating your existence.

[The rest of the conversation becomes a blur before with a snap the entire world seems to be consumed by fire and heat, an explosion beyond your comprehension rattles the area and even with the flames crackling and debris falling all that can be heard is soft, wicked laughter.]

[Axel wakes up slowly and after a few beats of staring at the ceiling...he grins wide. So now people know, huh.

He's just nothing but a heartless killer.]

Heh. What a shame.

((OOC: The scene described here is this scene in which Axel murders one of his Nobody companions. A-YUP.))

olette, *dream, sheena fujibayashi, !somarium

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