If you don't expect it to make sense, everything will be all right.

Jan 10, 2007 02:06

So, during break, I ended up on a short road trip with my mom, grandmother, and sister down to VA to see some family. We stayed in a little hotel down there, and that's where my dream begins. Oh, and please don't expect any sort of quality writing here. I'm just gonna write down the events in a somewhat grammatical manner. *nod*

I awoke in the same hotel where we stayed because of a commotion outside. When I walked to the door and opened it, the hallway appeared to me more like a middle school hallway than a hotel, in that there were lockers everywhere and kids with backpacks milling about and chatting with each other. I ventured out into the hallway, now changed from pajamas into my normal street clothes, and started walking through the crowd trying to figure out what was going on and where all these people came from.

At some point, the people started looking more and more like people I knew. People I'd recognize from middle or high school, all in their middle school aged forms. I wondered as I walked why they would be so much younger, but my thoughts were cut off when I ran into one of my former football coaches, Coach Walker.

At this point, I'd reached the end of the hallway, which somehow opened up into a courtyard that seemed like it belonged on my high school's campus, though none of the landscape was exactly something that could be found at my high school in real life. I spoke with him for a while, and he said that he'd be leaving McDonogh (in real life, I think he and his family moved the year after I graduated), which was sad for him, but he was proud to have been able to name the place where we were standing. He pointed off to the side, where at the base of a hill there was placed a bronze plaque atop a marble stone. At the top of the hill was what looked like the school chapel, but much larger and castle-esque. The plaque said, "The place that watched you and always cared."

I wanted to ask him what he meant when he named it, but we were interrupted when four demons in purple robes raced by, one of whom was carrying the Headmaster's broom (no, my school sadly was not actually like Hogwarts...). I said a quick goodbye to Coach Walker and took off after the four demons who really looked more like small imps with a dusky skin color and mischievous grins. As I chased them down the street, I noticed that I'd ended up in my grandparents' neighborhood. I found a bike and commandeered it (well, it was unlocked, I guess) to try and gain some ground on the demons, and soon after my friend Mikey Z joined in on the chase riding a dirt bike.

When we reached the top of the street, the demons were nowhere to be found, and suddenly I realized that I had a bus to catch, so Mike accompanied me to the bus stop. We rode down the major street near my grandparents' house and chatted about recent events and what we'd each been up to since we left Stanford years ago. We ended up going really fast, though, and by the time we reached my bus stop, I couldn't stop in time. I tried to jump the curb, but the front wheel didn't clear all the way. Right as I was flying over the handle bars, I grabbed onto a nearby fence pole and swung around it, landing on my feet as my bike slid meters away.

I walked over to the bike (which at this point looked exactly like my real bike) and saw that it was pretty much totaled, bolts and wires everywhere and the frame really bent out of shape. Mike asked me if I was all right, but I was more concerned about the bike than myself. Then, I carried the bike back toward the bus stop and there happened to be a mechanic working on a car on the corner. The way he was working was odd, though, because as I approached, I could see that somehow his head was emerging from various points under the raised hood. His head would pop up next to the battery, which he'd carefully scrutinize, and then submerge again only to rise next to a fan belt which received equal scrutiny. This went on for a while, and I couldn't figure out how to ask him about my bike. He seemed really involved, and...well, I spent a lot of time watching him work and trying to figure out where his body was...

Anyway, I noticed that the bus coming down the road and left my bike behind to walk to the stop. Friends of mine were waiting at the stop, too, some of whom were going to be getting on the bus with me, and others who would also be staying behind. I said goodbye to Mike and the rest of my friends and ended up being the last person to get on the bus. The last person I said goodbye to was a girl that I used to like, but with whom I had kind of an awkward experience that caused us to grow apart. Her hug seemed to me the most genuine, though, and I, after hesitating, kissed her on the cheek before I got on the bus.

Once on the bus, I walked to the back and sat down with my friends, who were already engaged in a conversation about something that I wasn't paying attention to. I wondered whether or not I should have kissed her, but decided that it didn't matter since I'd already done it and joined in on the conversation my friends were having as the bus pulled off.

And then I woke up. ...Crazy, ah?
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