
Jul 19, 2005 13:05

I have finished reading Harry Potter and I feel utterly drained now. Emotionally, Physically, Mentally ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

vikachica July 19 2005, 10:03:29 UTC
sorry i was a bit corny and sorry if i ruined something for someone who hasnt read it yet....


anonymous July 19 2005, 14:44:02 UTC
If you're feeling sad, just turn to page 533...

...several sunlit days...


kcole975 July 19 2005, 14:44:56 UTC
that was me

I don't know why I wasn't logged in


vikachica July 19 2005, 15:15:40 UTC
oo la la love ur icon and i cant turn to any pages the second i finished the book it was torn from my hands because there are like 30 ppl at this house wanting to read harry potter and we have 2 copies!


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