I love fall!!!....and by "love", I mean LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the cool crisp air under a still warm sun by which you can make up comfort foods in the crock pot and wear your fuzzy socks. Fall is my "spring fever". Just sayin'. ;o
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Comments 4
It makes me wish you could bottle that and send some to me. :)
It also makes me wish I knew how a vegetarian might use a crock-pot. It sounds so warm and comforting and healthy. We are in a cooking rut - KD and pbj sandwiches almost every night. Cooking is beyond us right now. :(
I made spaghetti sauce in the crockpot yesterday. I have enough food for 6 more servings!
Kattale - you can roast veggies and make soups and stews in your crockpot. And I'm sure you can make a veggie meatloaf in it. You can also put squashes in whole and cook them on low. You cut them up and remove the seeds after they are cooked.
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