So does anybody actually remember this series? (I blame
beckerbell I'm thinking about this at all)
Once upon a time, in a land before the Internet, there was a group of friends at a middle school who watched way too much Sailor Moon. One day they decided they were all going to be Sailor Scouts! (As you do.) And I, being the least educated in the Ways of the Anime, asked "Who am I?" And I was told I was totally Sailor Venus, aka Mina (that's right: we were watching the HORRIBLE DUB).
So naturally, knowing nothing about Sailor Venus other than she had the POWER OF LURVE, I fell in love with her. Now we had never read the manga (wherein Sailor Venus is kind of a badass), and I was kind of chagrined when I realized that Mina(ko) is the dramatic lovesick one in the anime, but somehow she is still my favorite Bishoujo Senshi and I REGRET NOTHING.
Anyway, the point is Sailor Venus is my favorite senshi and at some point I realized that Sailor Venus had once been SAILOR V, SENSHI OF LOVE AND JUSTICE, and I knew there was a manga for it, but I couldn't find it. I've at one point owned one of the volumes, but I've subsequently lost it or my mom threw it away or something. It was never officially brought to the US, or translated to English. But I knew, someday, the internet would have scanlations of this lost series, and it has not failed me!
For those not in the know, Codename: Sailor V was Sailor Moon before the anime was contracted. It's three volumes long and it's kind of the Magic Kaito to Sailor Moon's Detective Conan, except the events all take place before SM starts. It's about Venus before she was Sailor V and her extremely Usagi-esque adventures as the lone Sailor Senshi before the others woke up to their destiny.
I give you Codename: Sailor V - the prequel to Sailor Moon! And in truth, all of THIS is sidestory to the real point of this post, which is: Sailor V totally had a Luna Pen (only it was called something else, I don't remember what), and she totally used it to transform herself into something she wasn't every adventure.
Yeah, I might have gone a little bit gay for Minako here.
As my wonderful roommate
moonsheen pointed out, this clearly calls for fic where the inner senshi are talking about how the Stars are always guys in their civilian life and how does that work? And then Minako pipes in with, "What, you didn't know we could do that?" And then there is awkward conversations where Minako gleefully informs them that yes, she even has THAT.
(Alternatively, she helps some chick out by being her date for the night and then spends the next day complaining about how there were SO MANY HOT GUYS at the party and she couldn't even TALK to them because she was a BOY the whole time. Total bummer!)