I am done with the drabbles! FINALLY! HAPPINESS! *flops over dead*
azremodeharThe Request: The Azy wants FMA/Hellsing (anime!verse for FMA)!
Warnings: Actually, it's a fusion instead of a crossover - it's too hard to drabble a crossover - and it kind of just ends. XD;; but it's fun. No spoilers for either Hellsing or FMA.
"Sir Hellsing!"
It was the traditional title, and Sir Roy 'Hellsing' Mustang (knighted by Her Majesty and come into the Hellsing title by his mother) stepped out of his car and turned to the Police Inspector who had called his name. "You seem winded, Inspector," he observed the obvious. He was aware of the complaints directed towards himself - that he was a young upstart (far too young to deserve a Knighthood, Sir Hellsing or not), that his methods were 'infuriatingly unilateral', that he was 'wily' - and still, the Inspector straightened and saluted, still breathing hard. A ghost of a smile flitted across Mustang's lips, bitter.
"Forgive my shortness of breath, sir, we were not expecting you for a bit of time," the Inspector said with a hint of irritation. "But you are here, which is well - the whole town has gone nutty, rabid. They attack our forces like animals, shoot them down, they move funny … it's as if they've … become zombies." He spoke the last word in the hush of a man who fears ridicule. He should have realized just who he spoke to.
"Zombies? Really," Mustang said dryly. "Then I presume a vampire is involved?"
"Vampires aren't real," the Inspector said, eyes wide.
"Make no mistake, they are real," Mustang responded, scanning the chaos at the perimeter of the little town in question - policemen and women running about, radios squawking, confusion and fear in their faces. He smiled thinly. "We'll take it from here, Inspector. Keep your forces out of the town and let mine do their work. And don't worry - we'll let you keep the credit for the cleanup," he promised, clapping the man on the shoulder. "Hawkeye."
"Sir?" His bodyguard stepped forward, her gaze sharp as she too looked over the fray.
"We'll be going now. Tell Edward to enter from the north and keep it neat this time," Mustang ordered without looking at her.
"Yes, sir." Hawkeye bowed slightly and opened the door to Mustang's car; he slid back into his seat, and she circled the car to get in on the other side.
Mustang rolled down his window and looked up at the apparently shell-shocked Inspector. "Can we trust you to keep the perimeter secure?" he asked, keeping warmth in his voice to imply the trust he didn't have.
"Of … of course, Sir Hellsing," the Inspector said slowly. "We will keep the credit?" he asked, bewildered.
"My being here is strictly classified," Mustang informed him, although that wasn't precisely accurate. "Good day, take care." He rolled the window back up. "Havoc."
"We're off, boss," the driver nodded, and he drove away.
"Ah, my favorite - zombies," Edward intoned.
"I knew you would enjoy this one," Mustang's dry response crackled over the radio. "It appears it's just one vampire. It should be easy work for you."
"It looks like," Ed said, kicking the body at his feet, "the Inspector bit off more than he could chew." It was the twentieth fresh body in a police uniform he had found. It was whetting his appetite, which was a bit irritating.
"A vampire is a bit more than most people can chew," Mustang allowed. "It isn't hiding, or it wouldn't have created an army of the townspeople. Go in, eliminate the vampire, and get out. You mustn't be seen. The vampire must be obliterated. This whole event is a tremendous breach in the Silence Act of 1907."
Ed clicked his teeth together and pretended to pay attention as he continued to walk towards the town. This was more than an order, this was a matter of racial pride. A good vampire lived quietly and well. Declare war on the humans (and hey, you were a human once too), and they would declare war on you. Respect your meal. Don't play with your food. This was like an adolescent cry for attention, and Edward was unimpressed. If someone had to make a splash, this was completely the wrong way to go about doing it.
"We're not bound by the Silence Act," he pointed out. "That was an idea you humans came up with."
"You follow it."
"I'm under contract."
"True," Mustang allowed. Edward could almost hear his little smirk, and he snarled into the radio.
"I'll talk to you when I'm done." He turned the radio off before he could get any more smart comments from his master and stuffed it into his breast pocket.
The situation was this: for the sake of saving his dying mother, Edward, who had already lost his brother to the same illness, had allowed a vampire to bite him so he could administer the same (eternal) life-giving bite to his mother. But he was too young a vampire to do it successfully, and instead, she became a zombie.
Mere months later, he met the first Sir Van Hellsing, and the rest, as they say, is history.
er ... enjoy. ^^;;