I don't know zeke_hubris but it seems he has abandoned his LJ for filth and frolics to an awful lot of my flist. Much amusement. Only fair to pass on the madness :-)
You like D&D, Audrey Hepburn, Fangoria, Harry Houdini and Cocaine. You can't swim, you can't dance and you dont know karate. Face it, you're never gonna make it.
It seems that more and more I am hearing tracks by Fall Out Boy and am getting more and more hooked by every second. I may even have to get the albums. For some reason this makes me feel slightly dirty.
What I wanna know is why the hell wasn't this song out five years ago?
So it's a question type meme. I'm bored and think that miss_marmite doesn't get enough attention, so I blame her :) Answer if you can be bothered
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