Mar 24, 2008 19:54

+ God-moding isn't allowed. Only the mun can tell you if your character can fling his/hers into the next life.

+ Activity is appreciated greatly. If you suddenly don't want to play as a certain character, then don't hold the character 'til kingdom come -- drop him/her so someone else can pick them up.

+ Please check your grammar and spelling. We not a grammar nazi, but please make sure you're spelling most things correctly and using proper grammar 90% of the time so we all know what you're trying to say.

+ Characters from all forms of fiction are allowed. This, of course, includes novels, anime, manga, video games, and TV shows.

+ OCs are welcome. Yes, even OCs you made for a fandom RP. More information will be required for OCs and they must have at least one accurate icon (preferably colored, but it's okay if it's not) of them. Icons from fandoms can be used, but please consider using drawn icons of your character.

+ Adding on to the above rule, no AU versions of fandom characters please. They can cause some confusion for people and they're just not allowed. The only AUs accepted are ones such as characters from the CLAMP creation, Tsubasa. If they are AUs you yourself made up, then they won't be accepted.

+ There is a character limit of 6. Also, don't apply for more than three characters of the same fandom. Give everyone else a chance.

+ Please refrain from being a drama llama. While some IC drama can be gripping, if your character repeatedly starts up drama whirlwinds, you'll be contacted and asked to tone it down a bit. If you can't, you'll be politely asked to leave. We understand some characters have drama in their genes, but unless it seriously IS their nature to start stuff up with everyone and their pet rabbit, please don't make it a daily thing as it can grate on people's nerves.

+ IC =/= OOC. What happens during in-character actions is not meant as an insult towards you personally, so never take it as such.

+ Keep OOC problems out of the RP. If there is a problem, 'take it outside'. If talking with the other mun doesn't solve that problem, please PM sheol_mods and we'll do what we can to help.

+ Please stay IC. A lot of the things the Reaper will do (heck, even the situation everyone is in from the get-go) will make it a bit hard to stay 9001% in character, but please do your best. For example, a character that usually has a bad-ass attitude and acts as if he eats babies shouldn't be helping that guy who lost his pet hamster, unless there's canon proof that he would.

+ Please let us know if you're going on hiatus. This is important. If we hear nothing from you for two months, then we'll assume you forgot about the RP and are no longer interested in it. To let us know you're going on a hiatus, please leave a comment in this post.

+ We accept all yaoi, yuri, and het pairings. If things are getting a little steamy, please friends-lock your post. If it's a log, please rate it as either R or NC-17, depending on how wild things are supposed to get, and friends-lock that too. Also, I realize that characters can't feel pain, but for the love of all things holy and not-so-holy, please don't take advantage of that and turn this into a porn community.

And remember -- no pregnancies can be had. You're dead, after all. Dead people can't bring life into Hell. That's pretty much dividing by zero and fairly silly as it is.

+ Please interact with as many people as you can. Being ignored in a social game makes people feel bad. We can understand if Lord Anti-Social the 25th doesn't want to interact much, so exceptions are made for characters like that. But if you have a friendly and talkative character, she/he shouldn't be talking to just one or two people.

+ If you have any ideas for the RP that will effect everyone, or most everyone, please PM sheol_mods so we know.

+ Your character is not invincible. Yes, you are already dead in this RP, but your 'body' can be destroyed as well. Please allow for 24 hours to pass before bringing your character back out. After two deaths, your character will lose something of importance to them. If your character has died for the second time, please PM sheol_mods and tell us what your character is going to lose, just so we don't think Jimmy McSmilesalot isn't being OOC when the thing he lost was his ability to feel happy.

+ Please follow the log format given in the log community's profile. It's not like we'll eat you alive for not following it, but we did make it for a reason.

+ Have fun! RPing isn't serious business and we all want you to enjoy yourself while you're playing here. If things are getting rough for you, go on hiatus -- we'll still be here when you get back ♥

Added Rules

+ If you start a log, please do your best to see it through to its end. I know that sometimes people just don't know how to continue a situation in a log, but it's unfair to the other players to leave them hanging when it's your turn to post and no post ever comes up. If you start a log with someone and wish to cut it short, then please talk to the other players through LJ PMs or messengers about it.

+ Applications will not be accepted during the week of a full moon event. To see when those events are going on, please check here. Applications that are sent in during those events will be ignored and deleted.

+ No auto-ships, please! We all have our favorite pairings in anime, games, and books, whether canon or not, but please stick to the canon material while writing the application and interacting with canonmates. Actually playing out the pairing while in the community is fine, as long as it doesn't bend into OOC land.
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