Time Decisions

Aug 28, 2007 11:28

1. Keep up with work and school. For school I have this handy little 2-3 hour break in the middle of the day, and it saves me a hike to/from campus (30 minutes each way if I follow streets, 20 if I cut through the woods/hill out back of the condo complex; probably subtract a bit from both once I'm in a little better shape) if I just plain *stay* there and do homework. Will probably also use this time to hit up the gym for a little exercise. With any luck, I won't have to spend *too* much evening/weekend time on homework. Aside from big papers/projects of course.

2. Clean apartment at some point when a. I have a good day's worth of free time (probably early in semester on some weekend) and b. my feet aren't blistered (probably not in the immediate future). Or more accurate than "clean apartment" is "clean my room" - the common areas of the apartment aren't bad aside from a big pile of primarily junk mail on the table that should be thrown out.

3. Take up reasonable offers of RL socializing... but don't go out of my way for them. While on the one hand, I don't socialize much and that's waah waah... on the other hand, it occurred to me that I don't *like* socializing too much. I do, after all, have a very limited tolerance for it and then I want to go and shut myself in my room for a few days. (Odd part: online socializing doesn't bother me a bit. Maybe it's because I can just shut up and not-talk, whenever I like, and have it be ok?) So while I could do with a *little* more RL socializing, I'm actually not too upset about that.

4. MMOs and other "time wasting", I've decided on the following:

FFXI: Gonna keep playing, off and on like I have been recently. More off than on, barring specific other motivations (for example, new plot stuff will have me on a bit more till that's done; if that BLU static happens, I'll be on for that; if nublet comes back and he'd better fix his junk heap of a car before he does, there'd be that too). But I'm not quitting, giving stuff away, deleting character, or even cancelling content ID.

WoW: Rereading my previous entry made one thing very clear to me. I loathe world PvP with a burning passion. Which, really, makes my decision fairly easy, although poor Steve may get sick of my undivided attention. Can't very well ask Z&B&R to server-jump making new chars *again* on my account. If they want to, cool (horde-side Ysera), but if not I don't blame them. Will keep my Boulderfist char so I can log on to that occasionally and have them show off their progress. Decidedly not interested in playing on Bloodscalp: a. it's a PvP server and b. Geoff's tendency to tell me what to and what not to play, pisses me off.

As for how much time spent on WoW, that's just a simple subtraction: time in the day, minus time spent doing more responsible and/or sociable stuff, minus time spent on FFXI, minus time spent BS'ing around with anything else like insert-random-console-game here or whatever.

Regardless: as a general rule, if I'm home, I'm on vent. Take headphones off when playing console games (and of course when away from my computer), however.
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