Today's whine

Oct 31, 2007 19:17

So I go to my morning walking class thing, and as class goes on, my left thigh starts feeling more and more chafed. Not being in the mood to stop exercise for a bit of pain, I finish up class and head off to my car to park somewhere that I'm actually allowed to after 9 am (read: 20 minutes from campus).

And on my way walking back to campus, despite not walking in a hurry and not sweating or anything, I'm still chafing. And it's getting worse. So finally I get to campus, find a friendly bathroom, and sit down in a stall to have a look.

Well, turns out that at some point, the fabric of that pair of pants just plain split. And all the time spent "chafing" this morning could more accurately be described as the skin in that location being sawed between the one rough cloth edge, the other rough cloth edge, and three or four threads that still managed to connect the two. Now consider over a net hour of walking under those conditions, and with sweat causing moisture... yeah.

Needless to say, the skin was not merely chafed. It was raw, red, swollen, hot, and none of those in the *good* way. I was honestly surprised it wasn't bleeding. Owowow. Subsequent walking around after that inspection confirmed pretty easily that I would *not* be up for hiking back and forth across campus all day for my icky Wednesday schedule. Not to mention sitting around on campus all day with a big hole in the thigh of my pants. So home I went (making the problem worse yet with the 20 minute walk *back* to the car).

Yes, I'm evil and I cut class because walking around was painful. I'll give myself a slap on the wrist for being a bad student. I've got like 95%+ attendance in my classes though, so I figure I can get away with missing one.

Still trying to figure out how to make my poor painful skin happier though. Water helped, and I should probably use some sort of antiseptic ointment. Don't have proper bandaging for it though. Guess I'll just try to avoid moving around too much for a while, and sit around my apartment in boxers. I'll also have to mend those pants at some point, but I've got other pairs so I'll just blow that off for a while.
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