I am every day more excited that I get to reserch Comic books for by term paper in Buddhism in India and Tibet
om mani padme om...the Green Lama Strikes...for justice! a bastardly impearialistic comic representation of America's adaptation of mystical religious arts for the comsumption of the Eruo-American imagination
For the first time since my debut appearance playing Bass for "Mr. Worther's Pawn Shop"- I got to see the voodoo glow skulls- the band geek mafia member within in me skanked for joy
after a week of listlessness a good sunday afternoon of sunshine was all i needed to recharge for the week. i seem to be making my way out of my slump...still confused as always about
life. the universe. and everything.
but I've just come to the conclusion that I never will understand and I am now beginning again to find solace in that.