This category voting is going to be a little special. The set voting doesn't change but there is an individual icon voting for each column (for each of the sequence theme). This means that you vote for ONE icon in the "first encounter" column, ONE icon in the "declaration" column, etc. That way, we will have a winner for each of the categories, which seems more logical to me than a random voting. ♣Vote for ONE set of icons (letters) and THREE indvidual icons (numbers) that you think are the best. ♣ Please, vote fairly: don't vote for yourself, don't ask other people to vote for you, don't vote strategically and try to evaluate an icon's quality objectively regardless of the subject or the maker. ♣ The numbers are above the icons. ♣ Thank you in advance for your help in the voting. ♣ Good luck to all the participants!
Category Voting
the first encounter the declaration the kiss the separation the reunion 123 4 5 A