Title: Late
Disclaimer: If I owned them it would be a dream, and if it were a dream there'd be Rum! All rights belong to the Mouse, all I own is my dream...and the rum.
Summary:Jack is late
James Norrington strode into his room after another exhausting day at Fort Charles.
Sighing he shucked off his coat, laid down his scabbard and pistol; slowly James plucked out the pins from his wig, dark shoulder-length hair falling as he absentmindedly raked his long elegant fingers through the strands their coloring of rough Caribbean rum tumbling into absinth emerald eyes.
He turned and stiffened at the sight of Captain Jack Sparrow, armed to the teeth, leering at James with that insufferable smile.
“Silent as the grave if you please Commodore” The pirate motioned with his pistol. “Do please continue”
James unbuttoned then removed his waistcoat and cravat; shirt hanging loosely around his tall slender frame, pristine white navy breeches snug on narrow hips that shone in the pale candlelight.
He stood defiant glaring at his captor; Jack’s grin widened and with feline grace he rose from his seat and circled his prey with a predatory smirk.
Suddenly the pirate stepped forward every curve of his body melting into the commodore’s rigid back, delighted by his prisoner’s gasp as his growing hardness pressed into the quivering man’s back.
“Now Commodore, is there anythin’ you wish to say before I ravish yer fine self?”
James turned and grasped Jack in an unbreakable grip.
“Only that I wish you would for once get here on time”
The pirate’s rum soaked and salt chapped lips met James’.