price is over. we made a cake and he forgot the icing. so we went to buy some and my dad broke glass all over the cake. but then price ate it anyways because he didnt know. and now his mouth is a bloody mess. but not really. now we have to bake another freakin cake. c'est la vie.
i am now quite sick indeed. i have a swollen gland, or something gross like that, and i have to fucking work tomorrow morning. someone comfort me, please.
oh my fucking god! and thats all i have to say about that.
oh, and i'm sick of certain bitches being mean to me for no reason. you all better watch out or i'll slit your fucking throats. metaphorically, of course.
OMG LOOK! today joilyn and i had these crazy lolli's that totally made our tongues go wild! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha. ( click here to see )