so, i pretty much failed in 2007. i only had 22. acutally, wait, lemmie update the list, i had more than that. i had 26. 26/50. damn,i suck. this year, i'm meeting my goal.
okay? okay.
fifty book challenge[2008]
1] New Moon-Stephanie Meyer started 12/31/07 finished 1/1/08
2] Eclipse-Stephanie Meyer started and finished 1/1/08
3] Wicked Lovely-Melissa Marr started and finished 1/1/08
4] World War Z-Max Brooks finished 1/30/08
february through july
5] Flowers for Algernon-Daniel Keyes
6] The Kite Runner-Khaled Hosseini
7] Brokeback Mountain-Annie Proulx
8] The Pigman-Paul Zindel
9] Girl Interrupted-Susanna Kaysen
10] Wicked Lovely-Melissa Marr
11] Ink Exchange-Melissa Marr
12] Marked-P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast
13] Betrayed-P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast
14] Chosen-P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast
15] Misery-Stephen King
16] Perfect-Natasha Friend
17] Smashed-Koren Zailckas
18] The Host-Stephanie Meyer
19] Keeping You A Secret-Julie Anne Peters
20] Lullaby-Chuck Palahniuk
september through december
21-33] Daughters of the Moon series, books 1-13-Lynne Ewing
34] Duma Key-Stephen King
35] Lisey's Story-Stephen King
36] Sickened-Julie Gregory
37] Cujo-Stephen King
38] Freak Show-James St. James
39] Party Monster-James St. James
40] Haunted-Chuck Palahniuk
41] Catcher in the Rye-J.D. Salinger