~About You~
Name: Katlin
Age: 18
Gender: female
Location: Vermont
Star sign/Zodiac: Sagittarius
Occupation: waitress
Interests: music, the outdoors, swimming, hiking, reading
List 3 random facts about yourself:
1. i love honey mustard
2. i hope soon to get a persian cat
3. i love advacados
List 3 people you think are pretty and why:
1. rachel mcadams is beautiful because shes so natural
2. marykate olsen is gorgeous, i love her style
3. my friend maria natural bombshell
List 3 reasons why you should be in this community:
1. i have a lot of free time on my hands
2. i like taking pictures
3. i can be pretty
Fave Bands/Artist/s: Moe., Phish, Greatful Dead, Shakira
Fave Movie/s: Wedding Crashers, Romeo & Juliet
Fave Place/s: The Huntington Gorge, Vermont
Fave Quote/Lyric: i was ferociOus but nOt reaLLy meAn
i wAs perHaps unneceSsaRy,
bUt iRreplaceabLe
- coCo chaNel
~More Questions~
Any piercings/tattoos: my nose
If you could swap lives with a person for a week, who would it be and why?: i would switch lives with my little sister's teacher-she teaches 1st grade which is what i'd like to do and has a new baby, this way i could try out that life and make sure i like it before it happens to me
If you had one day left to live, what would you do with your time?: spend it with every person i love doing the craziest things i could think of
When you come to a fork in the road do you take the path less traveled? Explain why.: yes because maybe on the way i'll discover a new frog or make a new friend, plus im sure the path less traveled is less littered and its much more special
Make us laugh with a joke/picture:
How did you find us: i was browsing
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