Well, I'm going to Maple-a-go-go-land (Canada) in about 5 minutes... So this is the last post that will be from me. While I'm gone, I told Kaylie she's free to post useless crap in my livejournal and then comment on it. *I even made her an icon!* See you in a week!
My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, A More Meaningful Harry Potter House Sorter, is Ravenclaw: You are gifted with an imagination that allows you to see the world in a different light than other wizards. Your curiosity pushes you to learn, and your artistic nature drives you to make your own creations. Ravenclaws are scholars and
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Tonight was amazing. Emily had a fancy dress party to celebrate her 15th, so I went as a 50's lady, and my costume felt amazing. It was great combo of people, and at the end of the night, Kaylie, Jesse, Emily, and I sat on the hammock and Emmy and Kay and I formed a trio and sang "I'll Fly Away" from "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"
I'm happy. I'm going to my second Harry and the Potters concert in a week tonight with all of my friends. Last night, I stayed up 'til midnight watching Red Dwarf reruns. What more could I ask for?