Hi, this (seemingly anonymous) post is Lisa (formerly wildcelticrose on LJ)
Due to my inability to continue to give money to a company, Six Apart/Live Journal, who harassed women for having breast-feeding images as their default icons (tiny images that didn’t show anything) and then allowed a very offensive default image of a black man and the words “You Gonna Get RAPED!” as a default icon, despite many complaints, I’ve pulled my blog.
It’s a matter of principle. they are not getting my money.
Comments 11
Since we're being suggestive, I'll use my new icon.
Hi, this (seemingly anonymous) post is Lisa (formerly wildcelticrose on LJ)
Due to my inability to continue to give money to a company, Six Apart/Live Journal, who harassed women for having breast-feeding images as their default icons (tiny images that didn’t show anything) and then allowed a very offensive default image of a black man and the words “You Gonna Get RAPED!” as a default icon, despite many complaints, I’ve pulled my blog.
It’s a matter of principle. they are not getting my money.
I have a new blog You can find it here.
I’m going to be reading my friends blogs through bloglines http://www.bloglines.com/
A few folks asked about how to make an LJ book, you can do it here www.ljbook.com
I’m not forgetting my friends, I just felt that I needed to take a stand.
I've refriended you.
Thanks for keeping me posted.
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