i luv u kim!!muddie_2006September 3 2005, 03:55:01 UTC
hey kim...i'm soo sorry things aren't goin real good in this time of ur life...but as u know..we ALL love you soooo much! an me personally...i look up to u sooo much! i always have...an i dunno what i'd do without u. an i know the same goes with a LOT of people out there...ur awesome kim...don't EVER think ur not. k?? we're all here for u..an if u need to talk...i'm always here to listen. i luv u soo much! an in response to the last 2 songs...kim..u are SOOO pretty! like seriously..u are! an please...don't EVER think bout suicide..ur WAY better n that..ur in my prayers kim..luv u! ~mUdDIe~
Comments 3
You put up with me at school which is a feat in itself.
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