This would be an excellent time to post: when I have homework due in less than twelve hours and the need to finish my obi for Saturday.
Anyways, UBCon is this weekend...
I'm really excited! I've heard a lot of things about UBCon, but I never attended one myself. And now that I'm on the campus, I'm probably doing WAY TO MUCH for my first con here at college.
My entire volunteering schedule is as follows:
Saturday 2-6am : Sitting in a video room watching yaoi. HAND CHECK!!!
Saturday 8am-4pm : Maid cafe shift
Saturday 8-10pm : Anime Name That Tune (originally listed on the site as ten in the Kevin and Mom are attending a memorial service; their my support and tech crew. Time change plz.)
Sunday 12-6am : Maid cafe shift
Sunday 6-8am : Video room: Love Hina
Cosplay...hmm...this is kinda harder to determine. I might cosplay a bit on Friday (perhaps this will be Chibitalia!Hungary?), but Saturday (when not at the maid cafe) will definitely be "
Enbizaka no Shitateya" Luka. (For Luka, I need to finish the obi and restyle the wig: the test run was a little wonky...)
I plan to be dead by the end of con...xD No, in all seriousness, I know that I'll be dead tired (although I sincerely hope that this no caffeine diet I've been on will help me stay awake through my late-night shifts).
Hoping to get back into my art and writing soon...