Name: Killiana
Livejournal Username:
killianaE-mail: killiana [at][ gmail [dot] com
AIM/MSN: Midgard Slots (AIM)
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: None
Name: Shizuo Heiwajima
Series: Durarara!!
Timeline: Post-anime
Canon Resource Links:
Shizuo Heiwajima Affiliation: Breeder
Personality: Most people that meet Shizuo in passing wouldn't think there was anything unique or interesting about him. Physically he strikes a memorable figure, but his behavior is... calm. Mellow, even. He doesn't say much to even the people he's clearly walking with and not just by, and when out on a job with Tom, his coworker in the business of shaking down people for money they owe to the yakuza, it's usually said coworker that does most of the talking. Even when with his friends and actually talking to them, Shizuo is not a spot-light stealing attention grabber.
If it was up to Shizuo, he would always be like this -- calm, quiet, and nondescript. Sadly, it's not up to Shizuo. See, the man has a terrible, terrible temper, which is only made worse by the fact that he can't do a damn thing to control it. He'd like to be able to control it, and he certainly tries to, but it rarely works out for him. When Shizuo gets angry -- and there are a lot of things that can make him angry -- he gets stuck in a state of mindless violence, lashing out almost anything that happens to be nearby and especially at whatever caused him to get angry in the first place with all the finesse and strength of a tornado in a bartending outfit. While this usually worked out just fine for him back home (except whenever Izaya got involved, it seemed) that was only because the tremendous strength he possessed allowed him to come out on top in nearly every fight he got into. Fortunately, even while caught up in his rage, he usually retains enough sense to not directly attack any innocent bystanders, but there's very little to protect them from the crossfire.
And speaking of Shizuo's strength, it would be an understatement to say it's often an unhappy subject for the man. For a long time said power was completely out of control. When his anger and subsequently strength ran wild he couldn't make himself stop. This has lead to a number of people who didn't deserve it getting badly hurt -- including people that Shizuo likes and cares about, such as a bakery-owning woman that he was actually trying to protect at the time. Understandably, this has created a lot of conflicting feelings for him. His power means he can hurt people even without meaning to, and the thought of doing that is unbearable. At the same time he hates being alone, likely because he spent a good deal of his life having everyone but his younger brother, Kasuka, fear him. Whether he means to or not (and usually he does not) he'll reach out to connect with other people. He's constantly afraid of screwing up, and has even called himself the biggest coward in the world because of it.
It's only very recently that he's been able to exert any sort of control over his anger. He managed to stop himself from punching a teenage girl that had only a moment ago been possessed by a semi-sentient sword -- which probably isn't a major step for anyone else, but it was a significant breakthrough for Shizuo. Knowing that he can stop himself when it really counts means Shizuo has become much more accepting of himself and his power.
The prospect of having Shizuo as a fried may be a terrifying one, but rest assured that you'll be hard-pressed to find someone as dedicated and loyal. When Shizuo found out that someone may have intentionally stolen Celty's head he decided that the guy needed to die. Right that second. In the middle of Shizuo's shift. Which was also very late at night. He even jumped on Celty's motorcycle with the woman and only got talked down from his impending murderous rampage when Celty claimed she didn't know who the guy was yet. When it comes to his little brother Shizuo is even more extreme in his reactions. Even mentioning Kasuka can make him angry, and appearing to know too much about him will send Shizuo to a nearly apocalyptic fit of rage -- and you definitely shouldn't try to overcompensate for your mistake by assuming Shizuo dislikes his little brother and insulting him instead. That makes Shizuo the sort of angry that leads to him uprooting an entire tree and throwing it against a building three blocks away.
In a similar vein, Shizuo clings to grudges the way a drowning man clings to a bit of driftwood. If someone harms Shizuo, or one of his friends, he will remember them for the rest of his life, and probably make a habit of greeting them by way of trying to cave their skull in. This is especially noticeable in the case of Izaya. It can be said without a trace of irony or hyperbole that Shizuo hates Izaya more than he has ever hated anyone or anything else in existence, and this is more than evident in how every encounter Shizuo has with Izaya ends. i.e.: him trying to murder him. It's an extreme example of Shizuo's rage-filled nature, but serves as a wonderful display of just how much he's capable of despising one person.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Though he lacks his super-human, vending machine-throwing levels of strength in Johto, Shizuo is still a strong and experienced fighter. He knows how to throw a punch as well as a variety of other household objects. Similarly he knows how to take a punch and possesses an inhuman tolerance for pain, having once barely even registered being stabbed in the leg with a ball-point pen, likely owing to the many, many, many times he injured himself while he was young. After several years of chasing Izaya across their home city, he's become very skilled in
Shizuo also possesses an uncanny ability to know when Izaya's up to no good or lurking somewhere he shouldn't be. It could be general paranoia or an impressive but extremely mono-focused talent for pattern recognition, and is likely a mixture of both.
While these advantages serve him well, he has one extremely overwhelming disadvantage -- his uncontrollable anger. You'd be amazed at just how difficult doing something as minor as grocery shopping or holding down a part-time job can be when even minor annoyances may cause you to fly off the handle and start punching people. Shizuo's temper means he's constantly getting himself into all sorts of scraps, and without his super-human strength to back him up, this is much more likely to end badly for him.
Starter: Pichu
Password: salmon riceballs
First Person Sample: [VOICE]
[The feed abruptly clicks on mid-sentence.] --this stupid piece of shit is useless! I don't need a map, I don't need a radio, and I don't need another--
[The feed suddenly switches to a recorded image.] --phone! [The camera capturing the recording happens to be spinning wildly as it rises up into the air, before reaching it's peak and descending back down to the ground. It lands with a clatter and tips over onto it's side, revealing a lovely view of an empty road. Someone -- presumably the PokéGear's owner -- can be heard snarling under his breath somewhere off camera, and every now and then and item bounces across the road in front of the camera.] I'm gonna kill whoever brought me here. I'm gonna kill whoever gave me this backpack. I'm gonna kill 'em, kill 'em, kill 'em kill 'em...
[While Shizuo repeats his mantra, a Pichu slowly creeps into view of the camera, sniffing curiously at it for a moment. Off screen, Shizuo continues ranting.] What the hell makes them think I need all this crap? What makes them think I want it? [A pause, and then the bento and the bag of trailmix land next to the Pichu. She skitters to the side, then creeps back over a moment later, sniffing curiously at the food.] I'm not gonna eat anything I find in this thing... [Shizuo suddenly goes dead silent. The backpack sails over the Pichu's head and smacks against the ground, and when Shizuo speaks again his voice has risen to a shout.] Whose idea was it to give me clothes like this, huh?!
[And finally, it seems Shizuo's rage has come to a head.] And where the hell is that music coming from?! [The Pichu looks briefly terrified and finally abandons the communicator, darting behind Shizuo's backpack and peering over the top of it with a terrified expression on her face. There's the sound of heavy footsteps approaching and then the camera abruptly spins wildly before the screen goes black.]
Third Person Sample: Shizuo was not having a good day. He was having the exact opposite of a good day, in fact. Having already failed to successfully punch the 'Pokémon Professor' that had been bothering him, he'd taken to venting his anger on the nearest mailbox, and had only succeeded in making his hand vaguely hurt. That alone had been enough to make him forget his rage at the situation and simply stare in amazement at the completely unharmed mailbox. Said amazement had been enough to make him drop both the backpack and the odd white and red ball that had been shoved into his hand, which resulted in the ball popping open and a very strange animal popping out.
This was why that he now found himself face-to-face with a small yellow... thing. He supposed, when he actually gave it some thought, that the creature looked like that Pikachu thing from the decade-and-a-half-old video games and TV show. Shizuo had never been very interested in either. He'd had the Red version of it, to compliment the version Kasuka had, but he'd never gotten very far and quickly lost interest. It didn't help that he'd ended up breaking his GameBoy -- entirely on accident! -- when he'd beaten an obnoxious kid a few grades higher than him with his backpack.
Thus, when faced with the bright yellow creature, all Shizuo did was glare at it (her, actually, though he didn't know this). The Pikachu-like thing (a Pichu, though Shizuo also didn't know this) recoiled slightly from the tall ex-bartender, cheery expression fading as she let out a very uncertain and fearful sound. After glaring at her for a moment, Shizuo made an annoyed sound and turned, storming toward the nearest building in search of answers.
He'd barely gone a meter when he suddenly stopped, scowling. He turned around and realized that the little Pichu had been following him. She froze when she was spotted, looking momentarily terrified, then dropped to all fours, darting off to the side and cowering behind a bush. She peered around a moment later, squeaked in surprise when she found Shizuo still glaring at her, and quickly withdrew again.
Despite already being certain that the problem would not be resolved that quickly, Shizuo resumed storming his way over to the nearest house, and didn't bother looking back around when he heard the Pichu creeping after him. He'd have to deal with her later, it seemed.