Pichu - Level 17 - Female
Nickname: Peach
Nature: Lax, Alert to Sounds
Ability: Static - Contact with Peach may cause paralysis.
Known Moves: Thundershock, Charm, Thunder Wave, Sweet Kiss
Personality: Cowardly and not very bright. Peach is devoted to Shizuo despite being scared of him, but is still easily won over with scratches behind the ears and sour treats.
Gastly - Level 10 - Male
Nickname: Gaki
Nature: Sassy, Mischievous
Ability: Levitate - Immune to Ground-type moves, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Area Trap.
Known Moves: Hypnosis, Lick, Spite, Mean Look
Personality: Gaki, whose name means 'brat', is well-named. The Gastly is a troll and will inflict pranks of various flavors on everyone he meets. His favorite target so far? Shizuo.