Boot stompage. (Warning, this is a major rant)

Apr 29, 2006 16:41

You know what my fucking problem is lately? Since everyone seems to be so keen to find out about why I'm so bitchy.

1. My Grandmother has a blood clot in her leg. The last time this happened it travelled to her heart and we spent a week in the hospital. She fell a few times the day before yesterday which scared the shit out of me when I couldn't get a hold of her Friday. Turns out she just had her phone on fax. There. That's the first time I've let that cat out of the bag to anyone. I'm worried fucking sick about her and she does entirely too much in her condition and as it stands now I can't really help her with anything. They're always crunched financially and I can't do shit to help that because I'm in debt out my eyeballs as it is.

2. I'm in major stupid debt for someone my age. Every single fucking paycheck I spend trying to make up. The only things I stay ahead of are my bills which I guess is what counts, but after I pay my bills I never have anything left over. I always end up at the end of my pay period wondering how I'm going to eat. And you know the truth? I usually don't end up eating unless I get to go out to lunch with a family member or I scrape up enough change to buy ramen noodles or a 99 cent bag of chips.

3. Finals fucking week is next week. Should I say anymore?

4. During finals week I work 43 hours. 9-5 on Tuesday and Wednesday 12-9 on Thursday, open to close on Saturday and open to close on Sunday. Luckily finals will be over by Friday.

5. Heather is leaving. It's something small, but I care. I really care and like Heather and she's one of the few genuine, hard working people I've met at Planet who actually cares about other people around her without dishing out a knife in their backs.

6. This is something I just found out today. My mother got a letter in the mail saying I had outstanding parking tickets (all my car mail goes to her house, nothing ever comes to my apartment because I don't trust it). These parking tickets are from when I LIVED ON COLFAX. I was given these parking tickets because I parked on the left side of the street. I had a fucking parking permit for MY FUCKING HOUSE on this street and got ticketed three times because those ASSHOLES who live on that street would have parties all the fucking time and the people who actually lived there with permits would have to park on the other side of the street. Therefore I refused to pay such parking tickets. Well guess what? If I don't argue the tickets by May the 10th they're going to impound my car and arrest me. Over ten dollar tickets that I got from a HOUSE I LIVED IN and having a FUCKING PERMIT. So Monday before my fucking finals I have to go argue the tickets and show my permit (which I kept) to get out of paying them.

7. And you know the most obvious one? I fucking work full-time, go to school full-time (over full, 15 credit hours) and I bust my ass every fucking day to support myself. I receive little to no help on anything. My mother and grandmother try, and Dad buys me dinner once a week on Mondays, but other than that? Fucking nothing. I pay my own bills and support myself in a crappy apartment which still hasn't turned the fucking air conditioning on and sometimes I wonder if it gets any better... I bet it doesn't. You work your whole life and then you die. You work your ass off in this capitalist society trying to make it fucking big because that's what you're raised to do and have nothing to show for it. Nothing. The only thing that holds you together is your relationships, the people you meet and the experiences you have and I guess if you have faith you have that to fall back on, but I have a hard time swallowing any official religious doctine because it's so fucking self righteous and hypocritical.

I just want to punch through something. Like a face.

And I still haven't finished my History study guide for my test Monday. I literally fell asleep from exhaustion with my notebook on my stomach last night.

Fuckkkk me.

- Lex

Oh, and, I didn't put this part on MySpace.

Any mother fucking person that wants to call me and bitch me out when YOU come in when we're fucking closed to wax your drug dealing boyfriends eyebrows can eat my cunt, okay? Seriously. Go fuck yourself. All you do when you come into work is bitch about your life (where you make stupid ass decisions that you share with everyone) or you pass off appointments to other people, or sit on your fucking fat ass in the back and do NOTHING. You never clean, you pass off your own appointments to other people because you're too lazy to do them or you just HAVE to tan or eat when you KNOW your clients are coming in. I mean seriously, all you do all fucking day is sit on your fat ass and bitch about your life or your weight and I swear you're fucking bipolar and to call me on my fucking cellphone to bitch me out for something you did wrong? Fuck you, and I told you this on the phone but... Fuck you again, and I'm not going to fucking argue with you because guess what? You're beneath me. This is ALL you'll ever do with your life you pathetic cow. You'll be a HALF-ASS stylist who'll never make any more money than you do now, and always stay in fucking Kentucky and probably squat out some little fuckers and live the rest of your life on welfare you ignorant redneck piece of gutter trash. You have no ambition, no intellect, and guess what? You're not hot shit, even though you think so by showing the crack of your ass and wearing stripper shoes every day to work with your stupid-ass fairy tattoo. God I bet that took a lot of creativity to think of, didn't it? I bet you were drunk after fucking your abusive boyfriend and doped up on pills and picked the crappiest design you could find on the wall as your tramp stamp, you cum guzzling piece of shit. While you're wiping the asses of all of your illegitimate children I'll have my doctorate at 26 making more money than you could ever think of unless you start whoring yourself out, but you already do that, don't you? I hope you choke on the next herpes infected dick you suck you rancid ugly STD infected whore.

And now I'm done.
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