Minimum requirements for a M/L reunion in 8x24

May 15, 2012 12:50

Please don't mind me. I just need to post this snippet in order to come back to it on Friday and compare it to how it worked out on the show.
Can you believe it? I still have hope it will be so much better.

LEXIE (valiantly)
Hey guys, you still there?

Meredith, Cristina, and Mark exchange looks. They have no idea how to tell Lexie that they can't help her.

(to Mark) You stay with her.
(to Meredith) Don't you dare give up on Derek.

MARK sits down beside LEXIE. Alone, finally.

LEXIE (warmly)
We're kind of on a deadline here, right? You don't have to decide though.

MARK (is cut off)

Do you remember when Alex was dying in front of us? What I said to him?

MARK (he remembers)

I didn't mean it the way I meant it on Tuesday. So I understand. You can say just anything you want. I won't take it the wrong way, I promise.

MARK (hotly)
You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Lex. I've always loved you. I don't ever want to live without you again, Little Grey.

You do?

A BEAT of gazing at each other.

LEXIE (smiling)
Wow. Seems we made it, after all.

MARK (choking)
Yeah. Yeah, we made it. Lexie.

Gotta warn you. I'll choose the scariest bridesmaid's dresses I can find. And I'll wear a big white one. Ready for that?

I'll get you out of it in no time.

You wish! We're gonna do it right, Mark!
(a beat)
And we'll have beautiful children. You and me.
If you want.

MARK (surprised)
Of course I do.
I've only ever wanted you, baby.

I'd kiss you... but I'm nasty. (laughs, then throws up more blood)

I'm sorry, my love.

I know. I'm sorry too.

MARK moves to hold LEXIE as much as this is possible. They keep gazing at each other.


**** Credit for the brilliant idea behind the 6x24 reference forever belongs to citron_presse ****

shipper: mark/lexie

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