Hi there! You have a really nice collection! I noticed you are looking for new items, and I was wondering if customs of your favs can grant part of you would like! I'm an experienced handcrafter which right now is dedicated in handmade keychains of any characters or species you may name. In case you would like to know more, please visit me here! -> http://pkmncollectors.livejournal.com/19279043.html
The last few times i have seen him for sale he has gone for $2-3 USD so i suppose you could let me know what you'd like for him and id consider if it was fair or not? since i have been after him for a very long time :P
Oh sorry but i'm afraid I would not be able to go even close to that price... A person on facebook wants to offer $40 for it but I wanted to offer it to you first since you are a part of this awesome community with me :) I know its a lot so I do not mind if you pass but please let me know!
heyy sorry for such a late response, as much as i love the little guy i just couldnt justify spending that much on him at the moment when i have seen him sold several times on the com for bellow $10 i hope he goes to a wonderful home tho (: and thanks for considering me for him first (:
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that there is a larvitar plush plush (TTO) on auction on YJ it's currently at $100 ish if you would like they link, pm me and I could try finding it for ya :)
Comments 8
I'm an experienced handcrafter which right now is dedicated in handmade keychains of any characters or species you may name. In case you would like to know more, please visit me here! -> http://pkmncollectors.livejournal.com/19279043.html
Thank you for contacting me about it, ill keep your link here to come back to you when i have the $$$ sorry for the late response!!
I have the Tyranitar Chupa and I am still attached to it.
How much are you willing to pay for it?
Thank you and sorry for the late response (:
A person on facebook wants to offer $40 for it but I wanted to offer it to you first since you are a part of this awesome community with me :)
I know its a lot so I do not mind if you pass but please let me know!
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