Hi! This is Cyrene speaking, a 19-year-old Finnish art student and more importantly, long-term Pokémon fan! I have played the games and watched the anime since I was a child (like most of the collectors) and I used to buy all the merch I was able to find from local stores. At some point I simply stashed all my Pocket Monsters out of sight since
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Comments 26
Olen alunperin Porista kotoisin, mutta tällä hetkellä opiskelen Orivedellä suht lähellä Tamperetta. (Ensi syksynä tosin toivon mukaan opiskelen jossain muualla, kun tämän hetkinen koulutus on loppunut.)
Muiden keräilijöiden miittaus kuulostaisi hauskalta! :D Muistan lukeneeni jostain, conin ohjelmakartasta kai, että Traconissa olisi ollut viime syksynä miitti, mutta istuin koko conin taidekujalla. Onko Desucon Frostbiteen ollut suunnitteilla minkäänlaista tapaamista? :3
Aikomuksena olisi viettää koko viikonloppu perjantaista alkaen Lahdessa, joten minulla ainakin on aikaa, jos jotakin järjestyy n_n Saa ilmoitella, mikäli suunnitelmia syntyy!
I was wondering, has the "kneeling" Deoxys from: http://kayeechu1993.livejournal.com/1580.html arrived yet?
It is one of the figures I am looking for, and was just wondering what material it is made of/ any more information on it! :)
Thank you!
Yeah that Deoxys has already arrived to me. I've been actually working on a collection post for a while now, it's just taking me forever to finish it for some reason, haha! (The photos in this post are old as heck and all lol!)
I can't remember exactly what the figure is made of etc., but I think he was pretty light, maybe hollow like kid figures are (but not that soft vinyl.. plastic... stuff... kids are made of). Also his paint job looks kinda glossy. I'm sorry my memory's pretty bad, all my pictures of the figure are blurry, too :P But I can get back to you tomorrow with accurate pics when I get home, if you want that is!
I'd love to see your Deoxys collection sometime :) How long have you been collecting him?
(Sorry my English isn't flawless especially now that I'm tired :'))
Okay, thanks for the information! I would love a ncie photo of it that I could use for an upcoming wants post! That would be great! :D
Oh yes, I plan on doing a collection update as soon as I have access to a better camera than the one in my phone.. :)
I have been collecting all her forms for about 3 and a half years now.. Wow, time sure flies by .__.
I seem to own the biggest known Deoxys collection right now, feels amazing! :)
Your English is perfectly fine, haha! :D
That's a long time! I've collected Deoxys more or less actively for almost two years I think. I love all the forms as well, most people I know have a specific one they like the most and do not care so much for the others. I must say I sort of like Deoxys E the most, I'm really fond of his neat and sleek design, heh.
Awesome, I definitely need to see your collection! :0 I can imagine, it must feel quite fantastic! I'll keep an eye out for your update ;)
Hmm, that's interesting! Terrakion Pokedoll isn't very rare or sought after I think, so it doesn't seem too suspicious. You could send me a picture of your plush if you get a change? I can take some more photos of mine today if it helps :3 It is a Japanese version though, so the tush tag will be different. It has been played with a bit I think, as I buyed it in used condition. I hope can help you identify it! There are a bunch of bootlegs on ebay unfotunately, but if a seller claims it's authentic, it should be, right? :/
I'll post pics as soon as I can c: I'd definitely love to compare and see. And also I'm not even sure if it's American or Japanese.....since I was never really into plush collecting and I can't tell them apart (oops :/) so helping me identify that as well would be awesome XD
Agian thanks!! For helping me I appreciate it :) I'll post pics when I can ^•^
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