Title: House Characters: Russia/America Rating: G-PG Summary: In figuring out who plays the "mommy" role, li'l Alfred and Ivan's disagreements climax to one of the greatest domestic disturbances ever to be seen in a game of House.
"Now look what you did," Alfred scolds. "You killed the baby."
"The baby's not dead," Ivan replies. "And you killed him when you tried to kill me."
"It's a girl," Alfred clarifies. "Now get off!"
These few lines taken out of context is the most hilarious thing ever. XD Loved the fic, it was really funny, was exactly like my elementary school, and adorable.
Nope, ours did that too. Sort of. We each had a rubber dot the size of a dinner plate with our name on it, and then we were supposed to sit wherever that was. Normally it was in one spot, but if we needed to form a circle or something we could move them around.
Comments 27
Oh this just absolutely made my day ;w;
Made me want to draw little!Alfred and little!Ivan <3
*writes down in her to-do list*
(Lol, don't feel inclined to reply, I'm just being nosy. 8D)
"The baby's not dead," Ivan replies. "And you killed him when you tried to kill me."
"It's a girl," Alfred clarifies. "Now get off!"
These few lines taken out of context is the most hilarious thing ever. XD Loved the fic, it was really funny, was exactly like my elementary school, and adorable.
I love their little kissing fight! ;w; So cute!
I think from now on, that's the only way they should be allowed to fight. XD
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