This issue will never actually be solved for everyone. It is a difficult decision to make, you are most correct with this. Having to step out of your self on an issue like this (if done properly) will most likely remove all moral thought, so does that mean that you would have to be amoral to make a true decision based on fact. Good luck with the paper.
That's not necessarily true because morality does not come from one's beliefs. Just because something is fact doesn't make it moral. How we act is where we decide what is moral and what is not. For example it is universally immoral to frivously kill people; however, it is not immoral to kill in self defense or in times of war. I'm trying to make an informed moral decision in my paper. Some things are easier to say are immoral like infantacide, but other are not so easy like abortion. It is still really hard, but I don't think that a decision should just be based on fact alone without consideration to the morality of the situation. If everything were based on fact then it might be easier than adding morality in the mix. Thanks for your thoughts though.
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