I'll play along, even though I don't celebrate the same holidays you guys do. I think I'll have a holiday over winter break, though.
- The chance to show her how I really feel and to bond with her emotionally (I'm keeping her anonymous)
- A little less shyness on my part
- More time to spend with my friends
- A better relationship with my parents (not that it's bad now, mind you)
- Our government to pull out of Iraq
- Be in better shape
- Someone in addition to Emily to initiate conversations with me
- Nintendo Wii with Zelda: Twilight Princess and/or Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
- Star Wars poster, preferably of the dark side
- Seasons 1 and 2 of House MD on DVD
For those of you that are willing and able to get any one of the last 3, I'll be in Cal until December 20, then home until January 14. Contact me at omar_a_asadi@berkeley.edu to get my address(es).